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A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
Na-Ne | Nf-Ni | Nj-No | Np-Nt | Nu-Nz


  • NAACOG newsletter

    NAACOG Newsl.
    Published by Nurses Association Of The American College Of Obstetricians And Gynecologists
    Earliest: 1985; 12(10) -- Most Recent: 1992; 19(5) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • NAACOG's Clinical Issues in Perinatal and Women's Health Nursing

    NAACOGS Clin. Issu. Perinat. Womens Health Nurs.
    Earliest: 1991; 2(2) -- Most Recent: 1992; 3(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • NACADA journal

    NACADA journal
    Earliest: 2013; 33(1) -- Most Recent: 2013; 33(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • NACLA report on the Americas

    NACLA Rep. Am.
    Published by North American Congress on Latin America
    Earliest: 2011; 44(2) -- Most Recent: 2011; 44(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • NADC-MA-. United States. Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pa. Aviation Medical Acceleration Laboratory

    NADC MA U. S. Nav. Air Dev. Cen. Johnsville Pa. Aviat. Med. Accel. Lab.
    Published by Johnsville, 19
    Earliest: 1959; NADC-MA(5909) -- Most Recent: 1962; 6202 -- Total from this journal: 4

  • NADC-MR Reports. United States. Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pa. Aerospace Medical Research Dept

    NADC-MR Rep.
    Published by Us Naval Air Development Center, Aerospace Medical Research Unit
    Earliest: 1964; 126 -- Most Recent: 1968; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • NADL journal

    NADL J.
    Published by National Association of Dental Laboratories
    Earliest: 1972; 19(9) -- Most Recent: 1972; 19(9) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • NAELA journal

    NAELA J.
    Published by National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
    Earliest: 2016; 10(2) -- Most Recent: 2016; 10(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nagasaki Igakkai Zasshi

    Nagasaki Igakkai Zasshi
    Published by Nagasaki Medical Association
    Earliest: 1963; 38 -- Most Recent: 1963; 38 -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Nagoya journal of medical science

    Nagoya J. Med. Sci.
    Published by Nagoya University School of Medicine
    Earliest: 1961; 23 -- Most Recent: 2023; 85(1) -- Total from this journal: 25

  • Nahrung

    Published by Akademie-Verlag
    Earliest: 1972; 16(2) -- Most Recent: 1978; 22(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Naika

    Published by Nankado
    Earliest: 1964; 13 -- Most Recent: 1971; 27(6) -- Total from this journal: 20

  • NAM perspectives

    NAM Perspect.
    Published by National Academy of Medicine
    Earliest: 2021; 2021 -- Most Recent: 2023; 2023 -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Nāmah-i dānishgāh : Dānishgāh-i pizishkī-i Māzandarān

    J. Mazandaran Univ. Med. Sci.
    Published by Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
    Earliest: 2007; 17(61) -- Most Recent: 2007; 17(61) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Namibian journal of social justice

    Namib. J. Soc. Just.
    Published by Economic and Social Justice Trust
    Earliest: 2021; 1 -- Most Recent: 2021; 1 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao

    Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao
    Published by Nanfang yi ke da xue xue bao bian ji bu
    Earliest: 2006; (12) -- Most Recent: 2024; 44(6) -- Total from this journal: 34

  • Nan Nü

    Nan Nu
    Published by Brill Academic Publishers
    Earliest: 2001; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 2009; 11(2) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Nano energy

    Nano Energy
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2022; 93 -- Most Recent: 2022; 93 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nano letters

    Nano Lett.
    Published by American Chemical Society
    Earliest: 2005; 5(4) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 9

  • Nano-micro letters

    Nanomicro Lett.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2022; 14(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 15(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Nanoethics

    Earliest: 2010; 4(3) -- Most Recent: 2010; 4(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nanomaterials (Basel)

    Nanomaterials (Basel)
    Published by MDPI: Multidisciplinary Digital Publications Institute
    Earliest: 2021; 11(12) -- Most Recent: 2021; 11(12) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nanomedicine (London, England)

    Nanomedicine (Lond)
    Published by Future Medicine
    Earliest: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nanoscale

    Published by Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing (Great Britain)
    Earliest: 2015; 8(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nanotechnology

    Published by Institute of Physics (Great Britain)
    Earliest: 2009; 20(44) -- Most Recent: 2009; 20(44) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • NAPA Bulletin

    Natl. Assoc. Pract. Anthropol. Bull.
    Copyright: American Anthropological Association; Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2001; 21(1) -- Most Recent: 2010; 34(1) -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Nar Azii Afr

    Nar Azii Afr
    Earliest: 1961; 5 -- Most Recent: 1961; 5 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nara Women's University Sociological Studies

    Nara Womens Univ. Sociol. Stud.
    Published by Nara Joshi Daigaku Bungakubu Shakai Gakka
    Earliest: 2003; 10 -- Most Recent: 2003; 10 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Narodno Zdravlje

    Nar. Zdrav.
    Published by Herbert Kraus
    Earliest: 1950; 6(9-10) -- Most Recent: 1976; 32(12) -- Total from this journal: 24

  • Narra J

    Narra J
    Published by Narra Sains Indonesia
    Earliest: 2023; 3(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 3(3) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Narrative

    Published by Ohio State University Press
    Earliest: 2014; 22(3) -- Most Recent: 2014; 22(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Narrative inquiry

    Narrat. Inq.
    Published by John Benjamins Publishing
    Earliest: 2002; 12(2) -- Most Recent: 2014; 24(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Narrative inquiry in bioethics

    Narrat. Inq. Bioeth.
    Published by Johns Hopkins University Press
    Earliest: 2011; 1(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; 14(1) -- Total from this journal: 26

  • Naruto Kyoiku Daigaku kenkyu kiyo

    Naruto Kyoiku Daigaku kenkyu kiyo
    Published by Naruto Kyoiku Daigaku
    Earliest: 2011; 26 -- Most Recent: 2011; 26 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • NASA contractor report. NASA CR.

    NASA Contract Rep. NASA CR
    Published by US National Aeronautics And Space Administration
    Earliest: 1963; -- Most Recent: 1969; 1 -- Total from this journal: 56

  • Nasaq

    Published by Iraqi Association for Educational and Psychological Studies
    Earliest: 2022; 35(3) -- Most Recent: 2022; 35(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nascer e Crescer

    Nascer e Crescer
    Earliest: 1997; 6(3) -- Most Recent: 2001; 10(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Naše more

    Nase More
    Published by University of Dubrovnik
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Naselenie

    Published by Izd-vo na Bŭlgarskata Akademii͡a na Naukite
    Earliest: 1991; 9(3-4) -- Most Recent: 1992; (6) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nashim: a journal of Jewish women's studies and gender issues

    Published by Indiana University Press
    Earliest: 2000; (3) -- Most Recent: 2021; (38) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • NASN school nurse

    NASN Sch. Nurse
    Copyright: National Association of School Nurses; Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2008; 23(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 96

  • NASNnewsletter

    Published by Health Information Publications
    Earliest: 2001; 16(3) -- Most Recent: 2003; 18(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • NASPA journal

    NASPA J.
    Copyright: U.S. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators; Published by Berkeley Electronic Press
    Earliest: 2006; 43(2) -- Most Recent: 2006; 43(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • NASPA Journal about women in higher education

    J. Women High. Educ.
    Copyright: National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (USA); Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2016; 9(2) -- Most Recent: 2016; 9(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • NASSP bulletin

    NASSP Bull.
    Copyright: National Association of Secondary School Principals; Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 1990; 74(523) -- Most Recent: 2022; 106(2) -- Total from this journal: 15

  • Nāsu Sutēshon

    Nasu Suteshon
    Published by Nasu Suteshon
    Earliest: 1987; 17(2) -- Most Recent: 1989; 19(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Nat Biomed Eng

    Nat Biomed Eng
    Earliest: 2020; 4(6) -- Most Recent: 2020; 4(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nat Rev Drug Discov

    Nat Rev Drug Discov
    Earliest: 2017; 16(3) -- Most Recent: 2018; 17(6) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nat. Hum. (Online)

    Nat. Hum. (Online)
    Earliest: 2009; 11(1) -- Most Recent: 2018; 20(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Nation's health, The

    Nation Health
    Published by American Public Health Association
    Earliest: 2013; 43(5) -- Most Recent: 2015; 45(4) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Nation, The

    Published by The Nation
    Earliest: 1975; 221(8) -- Most Recent: 2017; 305(12) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • National Academy science letters

    Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett.
    Copyright: National Academy of Sciences (India); Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2020; 43(6) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • National Bureau of Economic Research bulletin on aging and health

    Natl. Bur. Econ. Res. Bull. Aging Health
    Published by National Bureau of Economic Research
    Earliest: 2007; (20) -- Most Recent: 2017; 2017(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • National Cancer Institute monograph

    Natl. Cancer Inst. Monogr.
    Published by National Cancer Institute
    Earliest: 1966; 19 -- Most Recent: 1979; (53) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • National Centre for Bicycling and Walking forum

    Natl. Cent. Bicycl. Walk. Forum
    Earliest: 2005; (3-7-05) -- Most Recent: 2005; (3-7-05) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • National civic review

    Natl. Civ. Rev.
    Published by National Civic League
    Earliest: 2001; 90(4) -- Most Recent: 2009; 98(4) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • National engineer

    Natl. Eng.
    Published by National Association of Power Engineers, National Association of Stationary Engineers
    Earliest: 1977; 81(12) -- Most Recent: 1977; 81(12) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • National forensic journal

    Natl. Forensic J.
    Published by National Forensic Association
    Total from this journal: 0

  • National health statistics reports

    Natl. Health Stat. Rep.
    Copyright: In public domain; Published by National Center for Health Statistics USA
    Earliest: 2008; (5) -- Most Recent: 2016; 2016(96) -- Total from this journal: 21

  • National hospital and health care

    Natl. Hosp. Health Care
    Published by Isaacson
    Earliest: 1976; 2(3) -- Most Recent: 1976; 2(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence: Guidelines

    National Institute for Health and Care Excellence: Guidelines
    Total from this journal: 0

  • National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence: Guidance

    National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence: Guidance
    Total from this journal: 0

  • National Institute of Justice journal

    Natl. Inst. Justice J.
    Published by U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice
    Earliest: 1994; (228) -- Most Recent: 2021; 2021 -- Total from this journal: 23

  • National Institutes of Health consensus development conference consensus statement

    Natl. Inst. Health Consens. Dev. Conf. Consens. Statement
    Published by U.S. National Institutes Of Health, Office Of Medical Applications Of Research
    Earliest: 1984; 5(3) -- Most Recent: 1984; 5(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • National journal

    Natl. J. (Wash)
    Published by National Journal Group Inc
    Earliest: 1979; 11(36) -- Most Recent: 1998; 30(30) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • National journal of community medicine

    Nat. J. Community Med.
    Published by India National Association of Community Medicine; Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education & Research
    Earliest: 2016; 7(5) -- Most Recent: 2022; 13(2) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • National journal of criminal law

    Natl. J. Crim. Law
    Published by Law Journals, an imprint of Consortium e-Learning Network
    Earliest: 2023; 6(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 6(2) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • National journal of integrated research in medicine

    Natl. J. Integr. Res. Med.
    Published by Association of Health Professionals and Health Educators; Academy for Continuing Medical Education
    Earliest: 2014; 5(6) -- Most Recent: 2015; 61(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • National journal of maxillofacial surgery

    Natl. J. Maxillofac. Surg.
    Copyright: Maxillofacial Society of India; Published by Medknow Publications
    Earliest: 2011; 2(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; 15(1) -- Total from this journal: 20

  • National journal of medical research

    Natl. J. Med. Res.
    Published by MedSci Publications
    Earliest: 2016; 6(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 6(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • National journal of physiology, pharmacy and pharmacology

    Natl. J. Physiol. Pharm. Pharmacol.
    Copyright: Mrs. Deepika Charan; Published by ScopeMed-GESDAV
    Total from this journal: 0

  • National magazine, The

    National Mag.
    Published by National Magazine
    Earliest: 1830; 1(6) -- Most Recent: 1830; 1(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • National medical journal of India, The

    Natl. Med. J. India
    Published by New Delhi All India Institute of Medical Sciences
    Earliest: 1992; 5(5) -- Most Recent: 2024; 37(1) -- Total from this journal: 109

  • National observer

    Natl. Obs.
    Published by Dow Jones & Co.
    Earliest: 1975; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 1975; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • National report on subacute care

    Natl. Rep. Subacute Care
    Published by Harling Communications
    Earliest: 2000; 8(7) -- Most Recent: 2000; 8(19) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • National review

    Natl. Rev.
    Published by National Review, Inc.
    Earliest: 2013; -- Most Recent: 2023; 75(11) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • National safety and occupational hygiene

    Natl. Saf. Occup. Hyg.
    Published by Safety First Association of South Africa
    Total from this journal: 0

  • National safety news

    Natl. Saf. News
    Published by National Safety Council
    Earliest: 1920; 2(22) -- Most Recent: 1982; 126(1) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • National science review

    Natl. Sci. Rev.
    Published by Oxford University Press
    Earliest: 2023; 10(8) -- Most Recent: 2024; 11(5) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • National security and the future

    Natl. Secur. Future
    Published by St. George Association
    Total from this journal: 0

  • National social science journal

    Natl. Soc. Sci. J.
    Published by National Social Science Association
    Earliest: 2008; 31(1) -- Most Recent: 2020; 55(1) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • National tax journal

    Natl. Tax J.
    Copyright: National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America; Published by University of Chicago Press
    Earliest: 2020; 73(2) -- Most Recent: 2020; 73(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • National technical report

    National technical report
    Published by Matsushita Denki Sangyo K. K. Gijutsu Tokatushitsu
    Earliest: 1984; 30(5) -- Most Recent: 1984; 30(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • National Toxicology Program technical report series

    Natl. Toxicol.Program Tech. Rep. Ser.
    Published by Environmental Health Information Service
    Earliest: 1990; 379 -- Most Recent: 1990; 379 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • National vital statistics reports : from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System

    Natl. Vital Stat. Rep.
    Copyright: In Public Domain; Published by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    Earliest: 1999; 47(22) -- Most Recent: 2023; 72(13) -- Total from this journal: 42

  • National weather digest

    Natl. Weather Dig.
    Earliest: 1991; 16(3) -- Most Recent: 1998; 22(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • National women's health report

    Natl. Womens Health Rep.
    Published by National Womens Health Resource Center
    Earliest: 1991; 13(4) -- Most Recent: 1991; 13(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • National youth-at-risk journal

    NYAR J.
    Published by College of Education at Georgia Southern University
    Earliest: 2015; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 2(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Nationalism and ethnic politics

    Nationalism Ethn. Polit.
    Published by Frank Cass
    Earliest: 2007; 13(4) -- Most Recent: 2012; 18(4) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Nationalities papers

    Natl. Pap.
    Published by Cambridge University Press
    Earliest: 2009; 37(5) -- Most Recent: 2022; 50(4) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Nations and nationalism

    Nations Nationalism
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2000; 6(4) -- Most Recent: 2021; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 56

  • Natl J Integr Res Med

    Natl. J. Integr. Res. Med.
    Earliest: 2013; 4(4) -- Most Recent: 2013; 4(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • NATNews

    Published by National Association Of Theatre Nurses
    Earliest: 1971; 8(1) -- Most Recent: 1986; 23(3) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology

    NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology
    Earliest: 2010; -- Most Recent: 2010; -- Total from this journal: 1

  • NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics

    NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics
    Earliest: 2019; -- Most Recent: 2019; -- Total from this journal: 1

  • NATO Security through Science Series B: Physics and Biophysics

    NATO Security through Science Series B: Physics and Biophysics
    Earliest: 2006; -- Most Recent: 2006; -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Natural Computing

    Natural Computing
    Earliest: 2019; 18(2) -- Most Recent: 2019; 18(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Natural Gas Industry

    Natural Gas Industry
    Earliest: 2017; 37(2) -- Most Recent: 2017; 37(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Natural hazards

    Nat. Hazards
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1988; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1098

  • Natural hazards and earth system sciences

    Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci.
    Published by Copernicus GmbH on behalf of the European Geosciences Union
    Earliest: 2009; 9(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 23(11) -- Total from this journal: 119

  • Natural hazards and earth system sciences discussions

    Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.
    Copyright: European Geosciences Union; Published by Copernicus Publications
    Earliest: 2014; 2(4) -- Most Recent: 2018; 2018 -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Natural hazards review

    Nat. Hazards Rev.
    Published by American Society of Civil Engineers
    Earliest: 2000; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 24(4) -- Total from this journal: 292

  • Natural history

    Nat. Hist.
    Published by American Museum of Natural History
    Earliest: 1991; (12) -- Most Recent: 1997; 106(9) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Natural language processing journal

    Nat. Lang. Process. J.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2023; 3 -- Most Recent: 2023; 3 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Natural product communications

    Nat. Prod. Commun.
    Published by Natural Product Communications
    Earliest: 2009; 4(11) -- Most Recent: 2022; 17(5) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Natural product reports

    Nat Prod Rep
    Published by Royal Society of Chemistry
    Earliest: 2006; 23(2) -- Most Recent: 2014; 31(7) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Natural product research

    Nat. Prod. Res.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2014; 28(18) -- Most Recent: 2014; 28(18) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Natural resources forum

    Nat. Resour. Forum
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2007; 31(3) -- Most Recent: 2015; 39(1) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Natural resources journal

    Nat. Resour. J.
    Earliest: 1970; 10(1) -- Most Recent: 2012; 52(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Natural toxins

    Nat. Toxins
    Published by Wiley-Liss
    Earliest: 1992; 1(2) -- Most Recent: 1996; 4(2) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Naturalist, The (Leeds)

    Naturalist (Leeds)
    Published by Yorkshire Naturalists Union
    Earliest: 2016; 15(2) -- Most Recent: 2016; 15(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Nature

    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1904; 70 -- Most Recent: 2024; 632(8023) -- Total from this journal: 763

  • Nature aging

    Nat. Aging
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2022; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Nature and science of sleep

    Nat. Sci. Sleep
    Published by Dove Press
    Earliest: 2010; 2 -- Most Recent: 2024; 16 -- Total from this journal: 43

  • Nature biotechnology

    Nat. Biotechnol.
    Published by Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2000; 18(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 17

  • Nature chemical biology

    Nat. Chem. Biol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2009; 5(7) -- Most Recent: 2009; 5(7) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature chemistry

    Nat. Chem.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2019; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2023; 15(7) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nature climate change

    Nat. Clim. Chang.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2014; 4 -- Most Recent: 2020; 10(6) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Nature clinical practice. Gastroenterology and hepatology

    Nat. Clin. Pract. Gastroenterol. Hepatol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2006; 3(2) -- Most Recent: 2006; 3(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature clinical practice. Nephrology.

    Nat. Clin. Pract. Nephrol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2008; 4(9) -- Most Recent: 2008; 4(9) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature clinical practice. Neurology

    Nat. Clin. Pract. Neurol.
    Published by Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2009; 5(3) -- Most Recent: 2009; 5(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature communications

    Nat. Commun.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2012; 3 -- Most Recent: 2024; 15(1) -- Total from this journal: 148

  • Nature computational science

    Nat. Comput. Sci.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2021; 1(10) -- Most Recent: 2023; 3(10) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Nature ecology and evolution

    Nat. Ecol. Evol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2019; 3(10) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Nature energy

    Nat. Energy
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group - Macmillan
    Earliest: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nature food

    Nat. Food
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2021; 2(8) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Nature genetics

    Nat. Genet.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1996; 12(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Nature geoscience

    Nat. Geosci.
    Published by Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2009; 2(2) -- Most Recent: 2016; 9(9) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Nature human behaviour

    Nat. Hum. Behav.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2016; 1(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 84

  • Nature immunology

    Nat. Immunol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2018; 19(4) -- Most Recent: 2018; 19(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature machine intelligence

    Nat. Mach. Intell.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2022; 4(9) -- Most Recent: 2022; 4(9) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature materials

    Nat. Mater.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2004; 3(12) -- Most Recent: 2015; 15(1) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Nature medicine

    Nat. Med.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1995; 1(6) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 55

  • Nature mental health

    Nat. Ment. Health
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2024; 2(7) -- Total from this journal: 19

  • Nature metabolism

    Nat. Metab.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2021; 3(3) -- Most Recent: 2021; 3(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature nanotechnology

    Nat. Nanotechnol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2007; 2(12) -- Most Recent: 2018; 13(8) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Nature neuroscience

    Nat. Neurosci.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1999; 2(2) -- Most Recent: 2021; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 49

  • Nature plants

    Nat. Plants
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2017; 3(10) -- Most Recent: 2017; 3(10) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature protocols

    Nat. Protoc.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2010; 5(5) -- Most Recent: 2010; 5(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology

    Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology
    Earliest: 2012; 9(6) -- Most Recent: 2012; 9(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature Reviews Earth & Environment

    Nature Reviews Earth & Environment
    Earliest: 2021; 2(9) -- Most Recent: 2021; 2(9) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature Reviews Immunology

    Nature Reviews Immunology
    Earliest: 2011; 11(11) -- Most Recent: 2011; 11(11) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature reviews psychology

    Nat. Rev. Psychol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2023; 2(6) -- Most Recent: 2023; 2(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature reviews. Cardiology

    Nat. Rev. Cardiol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2010; 7(11) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nature reviews: disease primers

    Nat. Rev. Dis. Primers.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2015; 1 -- Most Recent: 2023; 9(1) -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Nature reviews: drug discovery

    Nat. Rev. Drug Discov.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2004; 3(3) -- Most Recent: 2005; 4(2) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Nature reviews: endocrinology

    Nat. Rev. Endocrinol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2010; 6(7) -- Most Recent: 2019; 15(4) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Nature reviews: gastroenterology and hepatology

    Nat. Rev. Gastroenterol. Hepatol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2013; 10(4) -- Most Recent: 2016; 13(7) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nature reviews: genetics

    Nat. Rev. Genet.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2003; 4(4) -- Most Recent: 2003; 4(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature reviews: microbiology

    Nat. Rev. Microbiol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2003; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2004; 2(12) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nature reviews: nephrology

    Nat. Rev. Nephrol.
    Published by Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2014; 10(6) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Nature reviews: neurology

    Nat. Rev. Neurol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2010; 6(6) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 41

  • Nature reviews: neuroscience

    Nat. Rev. Neurosci.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2002; 3(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 26

  • Nature reviews: rheumatology

    Nat. Rev. Rheumatol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2010; 6(2) -- Most Recent: 2020; 16(8) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Nature reviews: urology

    Nat. Rev. Urol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2010; 7(7) -- Most Recent: 2014; 11(5) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nature structural and molecular biology

    Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol.
    Published by Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2016; 23(10) -- Most Recent: 2016; 23(10) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature Structural Biology

    Nature Structural Biology
    Earliest: 2002; 9(12) -- Most Recent: 2002; 9(12) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nature sustainability

    Nat. Sustain.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group -- Palgrave-Macmillan
    Earliest: 2020; 3(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Naturwissenschaften

    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1913; 1 -- Most Recent: 2018; 105(9-10) -- Total from this journal: 25

  • Nau Literaria

    Nau Literaria
    Earliest: 2015; 11(1) -- Most Recent: 2015; 11(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nauchni Trudove na Visshiia Meditsinski Institut, Sofiia

    Nauchni Tr. Vissh. Med. Inst. Sofiia
    Published by Meditsina i Fizkultura
    Earliest: 1960; 39(6) -- Most Recent: 1965; 44(4) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Nauchni Trudove. Sofia. Nauchno-Izsledovatelski Stomatologichen Institut

    Nauchni Tr. Nauchnoizsled. Stomatol. Inst. (Sofiia)
    Published by Nauchno-Izseldovatelski Stomatologichen Institut
    Earliest: 1953; 2(2) -- Most Recent: 1953; 2(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nauchno-Prakticheskaya Revmatologiya

    Nauchno-Prakticheskaya Revmatologiya
    Earliest: 2021; 58(6) -- Most Recent: 2021; 58(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nauchnye Doki Vyss Shkoly Biol Nauki

    Nauchnye Doki Vyss Shkoly Biol Nauki
    Published by Biologicheskie Nauki
    Earliest: 1981; (2) -- Most Recent: 1990; (12) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu

    Nauk. Visn. Nat. Hirn. Univ.
    Published by National Mining University of Ukraine
    Earliest: 2022; (4) -- Most Recent: 2022; (4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology

    Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch. Pharmacol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1973; 276(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 13

  • Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für Experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie

    Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch. Exp. Pathol. Pharmakol.
    Published by Deutsche Pharmakologische Gesellschaft
    Earliest: 1953; 218(1-2) -- Most Recent: 1965; 250 -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archiv für Pharmakologie

    Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch. Pharmakol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1969; 264(3) -- Most Recent: 1969; 264(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Naval architect

    Nav. Archit.
    Published by Royal Institution of Naval Architects
    Earliest: 2006; 2006(9) -- Most Recent: 2006; 2006(9) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Naval engineers journal

    Nav. Eng. J.
    Copyright: American Society of Naval Engineers; Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Naval research logistics

    Nav. Res. Logist.
    Copyright: United States Office of Naval Research; Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1987; 34(4) -- Most Recent: 2012; 59(6) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Navy medicine

    Navy Med.
    Published by U.S. Navy, Bureau Of Medicine And Surgery
    Earliest: 1988; 79(2) -- Most Recent: 1988; 79(6) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • NBER working paper series

    NBER Work. Pap. Ser.
    Published by National Bureau of Economic Research
    Earliest: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • NBER working papers series

    NBER Work. Pap. Ser.
    Published by National Bureau of Economic Research
    Earliest: 1989; 1989(online) -- Most Recent: 2023; 2023 -- Total from this journal: 188

  • NBP : Journal of criminalistics and law

    J. Criminalistics Law
    Published by Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
    Earliest: 2016; 2016(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 2016(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • NCHRP research report

    NCHRP Res Rep.
    Published by National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP); National Academies Press
    Earliest: 2017; (834) -- Most Recent: 2021; (991) -- Total from this journal: 11

  • NCHRP synthesis of highway practice

    NCHRP Synth. Highw. Pract.
    Copyright: National Cooperative Highway Research Program; Published by National Academy of Sciences
    Earliest: 1973; 17 -- Most Recent: 2007; (369) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • NCHS data brief

    NCHS Data Brief
    Published by United States National Center for Health Statistics
    Earliest: 2008; 7(7) -- Most Recent: 2024; (498) -- Total from this journal: 79

  • NCI monographs

    NCI Monogr.
    Earliest: 1989; ePub(8) -- Most Recent: 1989; ePub(8) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • NCSL Legisbrief

    NCSL Legisbrief
    Published by U.S. National Conference of State Legislatures
    Earliest: 2001; 9(21) -- Most Recent: 2019; 27(1) -- Total from this journal: 20

  • NDT and E international

    NDT E Int.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1995; 28(6) -- Most Recent: 1995; 28(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • NDT Plus

    NDT Plus
    Earliest: 2008; 1(6) -- Most Recent: 2008; 1(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Near and Middle Eastern journal of research in education

    Near Mid. East. J. Res. Educ.
    Published by Qatar Foundation
    Earliest: 2011; 2011(online) -- Most Recent: 2014; 2014(2014) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nebraska law review

    Neb. Law Rev.
    Published by College of Law, University of Nebraska
    Earliest: 1959; 38 -- Most Recent: 2023; 102(1/3) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Nebraska medical journal

    Nebr. Med. J.
    Published by Nebraska State Medical Association
    Earliest: 1972; 57(6) -- Most Recent: 1996; 81(6) -- Total from this journal: 38

  • Nebraska nurse

    Nebr. Nurse
    Published by Nebraska State Nurses Association
    Earliest: 1966; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2016; 48(4) -- Total from this journal: 16

  • Nebraska state medical journal

    Nebr. State Med. J.
    Published by Nebraska State Medical Association
    Earliest: 1949; 34(5) -- Most Recent: 1971; 56(5) -- Total from this journal: 39

  • Nebraska symposium on motivation

    Nebr. Symp. Motiv.
    Published by University of Nebraska Press
    Earliest: 1972; 20 -- Most Recent: 2013; 60 -- Total from this journal: 31

  • Nebula

    Published by NobleWORLD
    Earliest: 2004; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2004; 1(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nederlands Militair Geneeskundig Tijdschrift

    Ned. Milit. Geneeskd. Tijdschr.
    Published by Militair Geneeskundige Raad
    Earliest: 1955; 8(4) -- Most Recent: 1965; 18(7) -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Anesthesiologie

    Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Anesthesiologie
    Earliest: 2001; 14(4) -- Most Recent: 2001; 14(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor de Psychologie en Haar Grensgebieden

    Ned. Tijdschr. Psychol.
    Published by N V Noord Hollandsche
    Earliest: 1954; 9(1) -- Most Recent: 1970; 25(2) -- Total from this journal: 13

  • Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Dermatologie en Venereologie

    Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Dermatologie en Venereologie
    Earliest: 2017; 27(2) -- Most Recent: 2017; 27(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde

    Ned. Tijdschr. Geneeskd.
    Published by Erven Bohn
    Earliest: 1950; 94(18) -- Most Recent: 2024; 168 -- Total from this journal: 735

  • Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Intensive Care

    Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Intensive Care
    Earliest: 2000; 15(DEC.) -- Most Recent: 2001; 16(JUNE) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde

    Ned. Tijdschr. Tandheelkd.
    Published by Prelum
    Earliest: 1977; 84(3) -- Most Recent: 2022; 129(11) -- Total from this journal: 31

  • Nederlandsch Tijdschrift Voor Verloskunde en Gynaecologie

    Ned. Tijdschr. Verloskd. Gynaecol.
    Published by Bohn
    Earliest: 1959; 59 -- Most Recent: 1968; 68(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nefrologia

    Published by Sociedad Espanola de Nefrologia
    Earliest: 1994; 14(6) -- Most Recent: 2021; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 14

  • Nefrologia (English edition)

    Nefrologia (Engl Ed)
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2022; 42(3) -- Most Recent: 2022; 42(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Negotiation and conflict management research

    Negot. Confl. Manage. Res.
    Copyright: International Association for Conflict Management; Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2008; 1(3) -- Most Recent: 2018; 11(3) -- Total from this journal: 9

  • Negotiation journal

    Negot. J.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2001; 17(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 32(4) -- Total from this journal: 19

  • Negro Digest (February, 1947)

    Negro Digest (February, 1947)
    Earliest: 1947; (February) -- Most Recent: 1947; (February) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • NEJM catalyst innovations in care delivery

    NEJM Catal. Innov. Care Deliv.
    Published by NEJM Group, a division of the Massachusetts Medical Society
    Earliest: 2021; 2(8) -- Most Recent: 2022; 3(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • NEJM evidence

    NEJM evidence
    Earliest: 2022; 1(6) -- Most Recent: 2022; 1(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nematology

    Earliest: 2015; 17(2) -- Most Recent: 2015; 17(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neohelicon

    Earliest: 2000; 27(1) -- Most Recent: 2018; 45(1) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Neonatal network

    Neonatal. Netw.
    Published by Neonatal Network
    Earliest: 1996; 15(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 41(1) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Neonatology

    Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 2015; 109(1) -- Most Recent: 2017; 112(1) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Neophilologus

    Earliest: 1997; 81(3) -- Most Recent: 2021; 105(3) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • NeoReviews

    Published by American Academy of Pediatrics
    Earliest: 2019; 20(10) -- Most Recent: 2024; 25(5) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Neotestamentica

    Earliest: 2008; 42(2) -- Most Recent: 2008; 42(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nepal journal of epidemiology

    Nepal J. Epidemiol.
    Copyright: International Nepal Epidemiological Association; Published by Nepal Journals Online
    Earliest: 2011; 1(3) -- Most Recent: 2022; 12(4) -- Total from this journal: 17

  • Nepal journal of medical sciences

    Nepal Journal of Medical Sciences
    Published by Nepal Journals Online
    Earliest: 2012; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2012; 1(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nepal journal of obstetrics and gynaecology

    Nepal J. Obstet. Gynecol.
    Copyright: Nepal Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists; Published by Nepal Journals Online
    Earliest: 2010; 5(2) -- Most Recent: 2010; 5(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nepal Medical College journal

    Nepal Med. Coll. J.
    Published by Nepal Medical College Kathmandu
    Earliest: 2004; 6(2) -- Most Recent: 2012; 14(2) -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Nepal Medical College journal: NMCJ

    Nepal Medical College journal: NMCJ
    Earliest: 2009; 11(4) -- Most Recent: 2009; 11(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nepalese journal of ophthalmology

    Nepal J. Ophthalmol.
    Published by Nepal Ophthalmic Society
    Earliest: 2012; 4(7) -- Most Recent: 2021; 13(25) -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Népegészségügy

    Published by Egeszseguegyi Miniszterium Statisztikai Osztaly
    Earliest: 1954; 35(10) -- Most Recent: 1963; 44 -- Total from this journal: 17

  • Nephro-Urology Monthly

    Nephro-Urology Monthly
    Earliest: 2021; 13(3) -- Most Recent: 2021; 13(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nephrologe

    Earliest: 2014; 9(4) -- Most Recent: 2014; 9(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nephrologie

    Published by Médecine et Hygiène
    Earliest: 1991; 12(2) -- Most Recent: 2004; 25(2) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Néphrologie et thérapeutique

    Nephrol. Ther.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2007; 3 Spec No. 2 -- Most Recent: 2017; 13(6) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Nephrology

    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2006; 11(5) -- Most Recent: 2018; 23(10) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Nephrology news and issues

    Nephrol. News Issues
    Published by Nephrology News & Issues, Inc.
    Earliest: 1994; 8(9) -- Most Recent: 2015; 29(9) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Nephrology nursing journal

    Nephrol. Nurs. J.
    Published by American Nephrology Nurses' Association
    Earliest: 2000; 27(3) -- Most Recent: 2020; 47(6) -- Total from this journal: 13

  • Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation

    Nephrol. Dial. Transplant.
    Published by Oxford University Press
    Earliest: 1989; 4(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 42

  • Nephron

    Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 1964; 45 -- Most Recent: 2016; 135(1) -- Total from this journal: 21

  • Nephron clinical practice

    Nephron Clin. Pract.
    Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 1996; 72(1) -- Most Recent: 2011; 119(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Nervenarzt

    Nervenarzt, Der
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1932; 5(11) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 442

  • Nervenheilkunde

    Published by Georg Thieme Verlag
    Earliest: 1990; 9(5) -- Most Recent: 2023; 42(10) -- Total from this journal: 68

  • Nervous child

    Nerv. Child
    Published by Child Care Publications
    Earliest: 1947; 6(4) -- Most Recent: 1955; 11(1) -- Total from this journal: 22

  • Nestlé Nutrition Institute workshop series

    Nestle Nutr. Inst. Workshop Ser.
    Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 2015; 80 -- Most Recent: 2020; 93 -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Netherlands heart journal

    Neth. Heart J.
    Published by Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
    Earliest: 2017; 25(9) -- Most Recent: 2018; 26(12) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Netherlands international law review

    Neth. Int. Law Rev.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2015; 2015 -- Most Recent: 2015; 2015 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Netherlands Journal of Critical Care

    Netherlands Journal of Critical Care
    Earliest: 2013; 17(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 33(1) -- Total from this journal: 9

  • Netherlands journal of medicine

    Neth. J. Med.
    Published by Van Zuiden Communications
    Earliest: 1977; 20(4-5) -- Most Recent: 2019; 77(5) -- Total from this journal: 27

  • Netherlands journal of psychology

    Neth. J. Psychol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2007; 63(4) -- Most Recent: 2007; 63(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Netherlands journal of surgery

    Neth. J. Surg.
    Published by Scheltema en Holkema
    Earliest: 1988; 40(5) -- Most Recent: 1988; 40(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Netherlands quarterly of human rights

    Neth. Q. Human Rights
    Earliest: 2012; 30(2) -- Most Recent: 2013; 31(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Network

    Published by Library and Information Science Division of the World Information Systems Exchange
    Earliest: 1993; 14(2) -- Most Recent: 1998; 18(4) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Network (Bristol, England)

    Network (Bristol, England)
    Copyright: American Institute of Physics; Published by Informa Healthcare
    Earliest: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Network neuroscience

    Netw. Neurosci.
    Published by MIT Press
    Earliest: 2017; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 8(1) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Network science (Cambridge University Press)

    Netw. Sci. (Camb. Univ. Press)
    Published by Cambridge University Press
    Earliest: 2013; 1(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 11(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Networks (New York, NY)

    Networks (N Y)
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2015; 65(2) -- Most Recent: 2017; 69(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Networks and spatial economics

    Netw. Spat. Econ.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2016; 16(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Neue österreichische Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde

    Neue Osterr. Z. Kinderheilkd.
    Published by Berger
    Earliest: 1957; 2(3) -- Most Recent: 1961; 6 -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Neue Rundschau

    Neue Rundschau
    Earliest: 2007; 118(4) -- Most Recent: 2007; 118(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie

    Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie
    Earliest: 2008; 50(3-4) -- Most Recent: 2008; 50(3-4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neuere Medizin- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte Quellen und Studien

    Neuere Med. Wiss. Quellen. Stud.
    Published by Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft
    Earliest: 2003; 6 -- Most Recent: 2011; 24 -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Neural computation

    Neural Comput.
    Published by MIT Press
    Earliest: 1999; 11(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 33(8) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neural computing and applications

    Neural Comput Appl
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2013; 23(5) -- Most Recent: 2023; 35(33) -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Neural Netw. World

    Neural Netw. World
    Earliest: 2013; 23(6) -- Most Recent: 2013; 23(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neural networks

    Neural. Netw.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2001; 14(8) -- Most Recent: 2024; 178 -- Total from this journal: 23

  • Neural plasticity

    Neural Plast.
    Published by Hindawi Publishing
    Earliest: 2003; 10(1-2) -- Most Recent: 2021; 2021 -- Total from this journal: 30

  • Neural regeneration research

    Neural Regen. Res.
    Copyright: Neural Regeneration Research, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, P.R. China; Published by Wolters Kluwer
    Earliest: 2013; 8(7) -- Most Recent: 2025; 20(5) -- Total from this journal: 45

  • Neuro endocrinology letters

    Neuro Endocrinol. Lett.
    Published by Society of Integrated Sciences
    Earliest: 2003; 24(1-2) -- Most Recent: 2024; 45(2) -- Total from this journal: 40

  • Neuro Oncol

    Neuro Oncol
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Neuro-degenerative diseases

    Neurodegener. Dis.
    Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 2009; 6(5-6) -- Most Recent: 2011; 8(6) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Neuro-oncology advances

    Neurooncol. Adv.
    Published by Oxford University Press
    Earliest: 2023; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 5(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neuro-oncology practice

    Neurooncol. Pract.
    Published by Oxford University Press
    Earliest: 2019; 6(6) -- Most Recent: 2022; 9(2) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Neuro-ophthalmology

    Published by Informa Healthcare
    Earliest: 2016; 40(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 48(3) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Neuro-ophthalmology Japan

    Neuro Ophthalmol. Jpn.
    Published by Kitasato Daigaku Igakubu Ganka Nai Nihon Shinkei Ganka Gakkai Jimukyoku
    Total from this journal: 0

  • Neuro-Psy

    Earliest: 1997; 12(1) -- Most Recent: 1997; 12(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neuro-Psy News

    Neuro-Psy News
    Earliest: 2003; 2(4) -- Most Recent: 2003; 2(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neurobehavioral toxicology

    Neurobehav. Toxicol.
    Published by Ankho International
    Earliest: 1979; 1(Suppl 1) -- Most Recent: 1979; 1(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neurobehavioral toxicology and teratology

    Neurobehav. Toxicol. Teratol.
    Published by Ankho International
    Earliest: 1981; 3(4) -- Most Recent: 1985; 7(2) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Neurobiologia

    Earliest: 1991; 54(2) -- Most Recent: 1996; 59(1) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Neurobiology (Budapest, Hungary)

    Neurobiology (Budapest, Hungary)
    Earliest: 2000; 8(3-4) -- Most Recent: 2000; 8(3-4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neurobiology of aging

    Neurobiol. Aging
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1989; 10(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 122 -- Total from this journal: 34

  • Neurobiology of disease

    Neurobiol. Dis.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2011; 41(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 189 -- Total from this journal: 34

  • Neurobiology of learning and memory

    Neurobiol. Learn. Mem.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2007; 87(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 30

  • Neurobiology of pain

    Neurobiol. Pain
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2020; 7 -- Most Recent: 2020; 7 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neurobiology of sleep and circadian rhythms

    Neurobiol. Sleep Circadian Rhythms
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2020; 9 -- Most Recent: 2020; 9 -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neurobiology of stress

    Neurobiol. Stress
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2015; 1 -- Most Recent: 2024; 29 -- Total from this journal: 38

  • Neurocase

    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2001; 7(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 41

  • Neurochemical research

    Neurochem. Res.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1991; 16(9) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Neurochemistry international

    Neurochem. Int.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1995; 26(5) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 16

  • Neurochirurgia

    Neurochirurgia (Stuttg)
    Published by Georg Thieme Verlag
    Earliest: 1959; 2 -- Most Recent: 1993; 36(4) -- Total from this journal: 16

  • Neurochirurgie (Paris)

    Neurochirurgie (Paris)
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1967; 13(6) -- Most Recent: 2024; 70(5) -- Total from this journal: 68

  • Neurocirugía (Asturias, Spain)

    Neurocirugia (Astur)
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2018; 29(5) -- Most Recent: 2020; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Neurocirugia (Santiago)

    Neurocirugia (Santiago)
    Published by Instituto De Neurocirugia E Investigaciones Cerebrales
    Earliest: 1953; 9 -- Most Recent: 1969; 27(1) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Neurocirugía (Asturias, Spain)

    Neurocirugia (Astur)
    Copyright: Sociedad Espanola de Neurocirugia; Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2002; 13(5) -- Most Recent: 2017; 28(6) -- Total from this journal: 19

  • Neurocirugía (English Edition)

    Neurocirugia (Astur : Engl Ed)
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2021; 32(4) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Neurocomputing

    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2011; 74(5) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Neurocritical care

    Neurocrit. Care
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2004; 1(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 81

  • Neurodegeneration

    Published by Academic Press
    Earliest: 1996; 5(3) -- Most Recent: 1996; 5(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neurodegenerative disease management

    Neurodegener. Dis. Manag.
    Published by Future Medicine
    Earliest: 2014; 4(3) -- Most Recent: 2021; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Neurodiagnostic journal

    Neurodiagn. j.
    Published by ASET - The Neurodiagnostic Society
    Earliest: 2012; 52(3) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neuroendocrinology

    Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 1970; 6(5) -- Most Recent: 2024; 114(2) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Neuroepidemiology

    Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 1988; 7(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 80

  • Neuroethics

    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2012; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2020; 13(1) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Neuroforum

    Published by Walter De Gruyter
    Earliest: 2018; 24(2) -- Most Recent: 2019; 25(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neurogastroenterology and motility

    Neurogastroenterol. Motil.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2007; 19(9) -- Most Recent: 2018; 30(3) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Neurogenetics

    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2012; 13(4) -- Most Recent: 2012; 13(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neurohospitalist, The

    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2018; 8(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 12(3) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • NeuroImage

    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1999; 10(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 221

  • Neuroimage: clinical

    Neuroimage (Amst)
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2013; 2 -- Most Recent: 2024; 43 -- Total from this journal: 90

  • Neuroimaging clinics of North America

    Neuroimaging Clin. N. Am.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1995; 5(4) -- Most Recent: 2023; 33(2) -- Total from this journal: 9

  • Neuroimmunology and neuroinflammation

    Neuroimmunol. Neuroinflamm.
    Copyright: Chinese Society of Neuroinfection and Cerebrospinal Fluid Cytology; Published by OAE Publishing
    Earliest: 2019; 6 -- Most Recent: 2019; 6 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neuroimmunomodulation

    Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 2007; 14(5) -- Most Recent: 2012; 20(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neuroinformatics

    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2017; 15(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Neurologia

    Copyright: Sociedad Española de Neurología; Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1990; 5(4) -- Most Recent: 2021; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 28

  • Neurologia Argentina

    Neurologia Argentina
    Earliest: 2015; 7(1) -- Most Recent: 2015; 7(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neurologia Croatica

    Neurol. Croat.
    Published by Neuroloske klinke i Zavoda za neuropatologiju klinickog Bolnickog centra i Medicinskog fakulteta Sveucilista u Zagrebu
    Earliest: 2001; 50(3-4) -- Most Recent: 2012; 61(Suppl 2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neurologia i Neurochirurgia Polska

    Neurol. Neurochir. Pol.
    Published by Termedia Publishing House
    Earliest: 1967; 1(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 80

  • Neurologia medico-chirurgica

    Neurol. Med. Chir.
    Published by Japan Neurosurgical Society
    Earliest: 1967; 9 -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 59

  • Neurologia Psichiatria Scienze Umane

    Neurologia Psichiatria Scienze Umane
    Earliest: 1992; 12(3) -- Most Recent: 1992; 12(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neurologia psichiatria scienze umane : N.P.S. : revista della Fondazione centro praxis.

    Neurologia Psichiatria Scienze Umane
    Published by Il Pensiero scientifico editore
    Earliest: 1993; 13(6) -- Most Recent: 1997; 17(3) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Neurologia, neurochirurgia i psychiatria polska

    Neurol. Neurochir. Psychiatr. Pol.
    Published by Polskie Towarzystwo Neurologiczne
    Earliest: 1953; 3(4) -- Most Recent: 1967; 12(5) -- Total from this journal: 36

  • Neurologia, Neurocirugia y Psiquiatria

    Neurol. Neurocir. Psiquiatr.
    Published by Sociedad Mexicana De Neurologia Y Psychiatria
    Earliest: 1977; 18(2-3 Suppl) -- Most Recent: 2018; 46(3) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Neurologia, Psihiatria, Neurochirurgia

    Neurol. Psihiatr. Neurochir.
    Published by Editura Medicala
    Earliest: 1965; 10(2) -- Most Recent: 1974; 19(1) -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Neurologic clinics

    Neurol. Clin.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1984; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 42(2) -- Total from this journal: 67

  • Neurological research

    Neurol. Res.
    Published by Forefront Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1980; 1(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 37

  • Neurological research and practice

    Neurol. Res. Pract.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group - BMC
    Earliest: 2019; 1 -- Most Recent: 2024; 6(1) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Neurological sciences

    Neurol. Sci.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2003; 23(6) -- Most Recent: 2024; 45(1) -- Total from this journal: 73

  • Neurologie a Psychiatrie Ceskoslovenská

    Neurol. Psychiatr. Ceskoslov.
    Published by Mladá generace lékařů při Ústřední jednotě československých lékařů
    Earliest: 1951; 14(2-4) -- Most Recent: 1951; 14(2-4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neurologie et Psychiatrie

    Neurol. Psychiatr. (Bucur)
    Published by Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste Romania
    Earliest: 1975; 13(4) -- Most Recent: 1981; 19(1) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Neurologie und Rehabilitation: die Zeitschrift für Neurologische Rehabilitation und Prävention : offizielles Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologische Rehabilitation

    Neurol. Rehabil.
    Published by Kagerer Kommunikation
    Earliest: 2000; 6(1) -- Most Recent: 2007; 13(5) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Neurologija

    Published by Neurologija
    Earliest: 1977; 25(1-2) -- Most Recent: 1985; 34(1-4) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Neurologist

    Published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Earliest: 1996; 2(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 15

  • Neurología (Barcelona, Spain)

    Neurologia (Engl. Ed.)
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2021; 36(5) -- Most Recent: 2022; 37(9) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Neurology

    Published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Earliest: 1953; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 102(17 Suppl 1) -- Total from this journal: 606

  • Neurology (Chicago, Ill.)

    Neurology (Chic.)
    Published by Medtext Publications
    Earliest: 2022; 2(2) -- Most Recent: 2022; 2(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neurology and therapy

    Neurol. Ther.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2015; 4(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 12(2) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Neurology Asia

    Neurol. Asia
    Published by ASEAN Neurological Association
    Earliest: 2011; 16(Suppl 1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 26(4) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Neurology India

    Neurol. India
    Published by Medknow Publications
    Earliest: 1967; 15(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 71(6) -- Total from this journal: 69

  • Neurology international

    Neurol. Int.
    Published by MDPI: Multidisciplinary Digital Publications Institute
    Earliest: 2013; 5(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; 16(2) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Neurology psychiatry and brain research

    Neurol. Psychiatry Brain Res.
    Published by Springer International
    Earliest: 1992; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2020; 38 -- Total from this journal: 20

  • Neurology Report

    Neurology Report
    Earliest: 2003; 27(3) -- Most Recent: 2003; 27(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neurology research international

    Neurol. Res. Int.
    Published by Hindawi Publishing
    Earliest: 2014; 2014 -- Most Recent: 2021; 2021 -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Neurology today

    Neurology Today
    Earliest: 2014; 14(12) -- Most Recent: 2014; 14(12) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neurology. Clinical practice

    Neurol. Clin. Pract.
    Published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Earliest: 2013; 3(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; 14(5) -- Total from this journal: 35

  • Neurology. Genetics.

    Neurol. Genet.
    Copyright: American Academy of Neurology; Published by Wolters Kluwer
    Earliest: 2017; 3(5) -- Most Recent: 2019; 5(5) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Neurology: Neuroimmunology and NeuroInflammation

    Neurology: Neuroimmunology and NeuroInflammation
    Earliest: 2019; 6(1) -- Most Recent: 2019; 6(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Neuromodulation

    Published by Wiley-Blackwell
    Earliest: 2012; 15(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Neuromolecular medicine

    Neuromolecular Med.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2003; 4(1-2) -- Most Recent: 2024; 26(1) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Neuromuscular disorders

    Neuromuscul. Disord.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2014; 24(3) -- Most Recent: 2019; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Neuron

    Published by Cell Press
    Earliest: 1999; 23(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; -- Total from this journal: 59

  • Neuropadiatrie

    Published by Hippokrates Verlag
    Earliest: 1977; 8(2) -- Most Recent: 1977; 8(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neuropathology

    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2016; 37(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 41(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neuropathology and applied neurobiology

    Neuropathol. Appl. Neurobiol.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1983; 9(1) -- Most Recent: 2013; 39(6) -- Total from this journal: 16

  • Neuropatologia Polska

    Neuropatol. Pol.
    Published by Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich
    Earliest: 1970; 8(4) -- Most Recent: 1983; 21(4) -- Total from this journal: 18

  • Neuropediatrics

    Published by Hippokrates Verlag
    Earliest: 1985; 16(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 17

  • Neuropeptides

    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2005; 39(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 102 -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neuropharmacology

    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1972; 11(6) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 75

  • Neurophotonics

    Published by Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers
    Earliest: 2016; 3(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 10(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neurophysiologie Clinique

    Neurophysiol. Clin.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1991; 21(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 54(2) -- Total from this journal: 32

  • Neurophysiology

    Earliest: 2015; 47(4) -- Most Recent: 2020; 52(6) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neuropsihijatrija

    Published by Zagreb S.N
    Earliest: 1954; 2(1-2) -- Most Recent: 1975; 23(1-4) -- Total from this journal: 30

  • Neuropsychiatria i Neuropsychologia

    Neuropsychiatr. Neuropsychol.
    Published by Termedia Publishing House
    Earliest: 2016; 11(2) -- Most Recent: 2022; 17(1-2) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment

    Neuropsychiatr. Dis. Treat.
    Published by Dove Press
    Earliest: 2005; 1(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; 20 -- Total from this journal: 246

  • Neuropsychiatric Investigation

    Neuropsychiatric Investigation
    Earliest: 2021; 59(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 61(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neuropsychiatrie : Klinik, Diagnostik, Therapie und Rehabilitation : Organ der Gesellschaft Österreichischer Nervenärzte und Psychiater

    Published by Dustri-Verlag
    Earliest: 2001; 15(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 37(3) -- Total from this journal: 63

  • Neuropsychiatrie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence

    Neuropsychiatr. Enfance Adolesc.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1979; 27(1-2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 71(4) -- Total from this journal: 94

  • Neuropsychiatry (London)

    Neuropsychiatry (London)
    Published by Future Medicine
    Earliest: 2011; 1(2) -- Most Recent: 2016; 6(6) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, and behavioral neurology

    Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychol. Behav. Neurol.
    Published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Earliest: 1997; 10(2) -- Most Recent: 2002; 15(1) -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Neuropsychobiology

    Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 1975; 1(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 212

  • Neuropsychologia

    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1971; 9(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 281

  • Neuropsychological rehabilitation

    Neuropsychol. Rehabil.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2003; 13(1-2) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 214

  • Neuropsychology

    Published by American Psychological Association
    Earliest: 1997; 11(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 216

  • Neuropsychology review

    Neuropsychol. Rev.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1990; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 54

  • Neuropsychopharmacologia Hungarica

    Neuropsychopharmacol. Hung.
    Published by Neuroline - Hungarian Association of Psychopharmacology
    Earliest: 2004; 6(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 25(4) -- Total from this journal: 54

  • Neuropsychopharmacology

    Published by Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1991; 4(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 237

  • Neuropsychopharmacology reports

    Neuropsychopharmacol. Rep.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2019; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 25

  • NeuroQuantology

    Earliest: 2013; 11(4) -- Most Recent: 2021; 19(5) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neuroradiology

    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1975; 9(4) -- Most Recent: 2021; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 34

  • Neuroradiology journal

    Neuroradiol. J.
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2009; 22(4) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • NeuroRehabilitation

    Published by IOS Press
    Earliest: 1991; 1(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 262

  • Neurorehabilitation and neural repair

    Neurorehabil. Neural Repair
    Copyright: American Society of Neurorehabilitation; Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 1993; 7(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 64

  • Neuroreport

    Published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Earliest: 1993; 4(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 79

  • Neurosci insights

    Neurosci. Insights
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2019; 14 -- Most Recent: 2021; 16 -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Neurosci J

    Neurosci. J.
    Published by Hindawi Publishing
    Earliest: 2015; 2015 -- Most Recent: 2019; 2019 -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Neuroscience

    Copyright: International Brain Research Organization; Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1978; 3(9) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 97

  • Neuroscience and behavioral physiology

    Neurosci. Behav. Physiol.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1976; 7(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 53(2) -- Total from this journal: 21

  • Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews

    Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1981; 5(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 246

  • Neuroscience bulletin

    Neurosci. Bull.
    Published by Science Press
    Earliest: 2010; 26(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Neuroscience journal of Shefaye Khatam

    Neurosci. J. Shefaye Khatam
    Published by Shefa Neuroscience Research Center, Khatam-Alanbia Hospital
    Earliest: 2015; 2(4) -- Most Recent: 2016; 3(4) -- Total from this journal: 51

  • Neuroscience letters

    Neurosci. Lett.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1979; 13(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; 837 -- Total from this journal: 196

  • Neuroscience of consciousness

    Neurosci. Conscious.
    Published by Oxford University Press
    Earliest: 2018; 2018(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 2023(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Neuroscience research

    Neurosci. Res.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1996; 24(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 18

  • Neurosciences

    Published by Saudi Arabian Armed Forces Hospital
    Earliest: 2000; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 28(1) -- Total from this journal: 21

  • Neurosciences research program bulletin

    Neurosci. Res. Program Bull.
    Published by MIT Press
    Earliest: 1972; 10(4) -- Most Recent: 1973; 11(4) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Neuroscientist

    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2004; 10(2) -- Most Recent: 2020; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Neurosignals

    Published by Karger Publishers
    Earliest: 2008; 16(2-3) -- Most Recent: 2018; 26(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Neurospine

    Published by Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society
    Earliest: 2020; 17(4) -- Most Recent: 2022; 19(4) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Neurosurgery

    Published by Congress of Neurological Surgeons
    Earliest: 1977; 1(3) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 342

  • Neurosurgery clinics of North America

    Neurosurg. Clin. N. Am.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1994; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 32(3) -- Total from this journal: 30

  • Neurosurgery quarterly

    Neurosurgery Quarterly
    Earliest: 2013; 23(4) -- Most Recent: 2016; 26(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neurosurgical focus

    Neurosurg. Focus
    Published by American Association of Neurological Surgeons
    Earliest: 1999; 7(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; 57(1) -- Total from this journal: 104

  • Neurosurgical review

    Neurosurg. Rev.
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1983; 6(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; 47(1) -- Total from this journal: 43

  • Neurotherapeutics

    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2010; 7(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 20(3) -- Total from this journal: 12

  • Neurotox Res

    Neurotox Res
    Published by Springer
    Earliest: 2003; 5(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; 42(2) -- Total from this journal: 13

  • Neurotoxicology

    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1981; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 87

  • Neurotoxicology and teratology

    Neurotoxicol. Teratol.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1987; 9(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 62

  • Neurotrauma reports

    Neurotrauma Rep.
    Published by Mary Ann Liebert Publishers
    Earliest: 2020; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 4(1) -- Total from this journal: 25

  • Neurotraumatology

    Published by Japan Society of Neurotraumatology
    Earliest: 2019; 42(1) -- Most Recent: 2019; 42(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Neurourology and urodynamics

    Neurourol. Urodyn.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2002; 21(5) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Neutrosophic sets and systems

    Neutrosophic Sets Syst.
    Published by Department of Mathematics and Science, University of New Mexico and Neutrosophic Science International Association (NSIA)
    Earliest: 2021; 44 -- Most Recent: 2021; 44 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nevada journal of public health

    Nev. J. Public Health
    Published by University of Nevada, Las Vegas; Nevada Public Health Association
    Earliest: 2014; 11(1) -- Most Recent: 2014; 11(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nevada Nurses Association quarterly newsletter

    Nev. Nurses Assoc. Q. Newsl.
    Published by Sparks Nv Nevada Nurses Association
    Earliest: 1968; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 1968; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nevada RNformation

    Nev. Rnformation
    Published by Nevada Nurses' Association
    Earliest: 1996; 5(3) -- Most Recent: 1997; 6(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Nevrologicheskii Zhurnal

    Nevrologicheskii Zhurnal
    Earliest: 2016; 21(3) -- Most Recent: 2016; 21(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nevrologicheskij Vestnik

    Nevrologicheskij Vestnik
    Earliest: 2020; 52(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 55(2) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Nevrologiya, Neiropsikhiatriya, Psikhosomatika

    Nevrologiya, Neiropsikhiatriya, Psikhosomatika
    Earliest: 2021; 13(2) -- Most Recent: 2022; 14(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Nevropatologiia i Psikhiatriia

    Nevropatol. Psikhiatriia
    Published by Unknown
    Earliest: 1949; 18(4) -- Most Recent: 1951; 20(5) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • New American, The (Belmont, Mass.)

    New American (Belmont, Mass.)
    Published by American Opinion Publishing
    Earliest: 2023; 39(16) -- Most Recent: 2023; 39(16) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New Armenian medical journal

    New Armenian Med. J.
    Published by Yerevan State Medical University
    Earliest: 2015; 9(4) -- Most Recent: 2015; 9(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Asia

    New Asia
    Earliest: 2010; 17(4) -- Most Recent: 2010; 17(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Atlantis

    New Atlantis
    Published by Ethics and Public Policy Center
    Earliest: 2004; 5 -- Most Recent: 2024; (77) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New bioethics, The

    New Bioeth.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2018; 24(2) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • New Blackfriars

    New Blackfriars
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1988; 69(820) -- Most Recent: 2010; 91(1031) -- Total from this journal: 23

  • New criminal law review

    New Crim. Law Rev.
    Published by University of California Press
    Earliest: 2008; 11(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 19(1) -- Total from this journal: 13

  • New directions for adult and continuing education

    New Dir. Adult Cont. Educ.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2007; 2007(115) -- Most Recent: 2014; 2014(142) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • New directions for child and adolescent development

    New Dir. Child Adolesc. Dev.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1981; 1981(11) -- Most Recent: 2022; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 61

  • New directions for child development

    New Dir. Child Dev.
    Published by Jossey-Bass
    Earliest: 1987; (36) -- Most Recent: 1996; (74) -- Total from this journal: 16

  • New directions for community colleges

    New Dir. Commun. Col.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2008; 2008(142) -- Most Recent: 2013; 2013(161) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New directions for higher education

    New Dir. High. Educ.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2007; 2007(139) -- Most Recent: 2007; 2007(139) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New directions for mental health services

    New Dir. Ment. Health Serv.
    Published by Jossey-Bass
    Earliest: 1984; (21) -- Most Recent: 2001; 2001(90) -- Total from this journal: 61

  • New directions for student leadership

    New Dir. Stud. Leadersh.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2015; 2015(147) -- Most Recent: 2023; 2023(179) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New directions for student services

    New Dir. Stud. Serv.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1989; 1989(47) -- Most Recent: 2022; 2022(177) -- Total from this journal: 20

  • New directions for teaching and learning

    New Dir. Teach. Learn.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2007; 2007(110) -- Most Recent: 2007; 2007(110) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New directions for youth development

    New Dir. Youth Dev.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2001; 92 -- Most Recent: 2014; 2014(141) -- Total from this journal: 86

  • New directions in evaluation

    New Dir. Eval.
    Copyright: American Evaluation Association; Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2001; 2001(90) -- Most Recent: 2007; 2007(114) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • New Directions in Sexual Violence Scholarship

    New Directions in Sexual Violence Scholarship
    Total from this journal: 0

  • New Educational Review

    New Educational Review
    Earliest: 2012; 28(2) -- Most Recent: 2015; 40(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • New educator

    New Educator
    Earliest: 2014; 10(3) -- Most Recent: 2014; 10(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Egypt. J. Med.

    New Egypt. J. Med.
    Earliest: 2006; 35(1) -- Most Recent: 2010; 43(supp. 6) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • New England and regional allergy proceedings

    N. Engl. Reg. Allergy Proc.
    Published by New England Society Of Allergy
    Earliest: 1986; 7(5) -- Most Recent: 1986; 7(5) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New England journal of history

    New Engl. J. Hist.
    Published by New England History Teachers Association
    Earliest: 2003; 59(2-3) -- Most Recent: 2003; 59(2-3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New England journal of human services

    N. Engl. J. Hum. Serv.
    Published by Osiris Press
    Earliest: 1986; 6(2) -- Most Recent: 1986; 6(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New England journal of medicine

    New Engl. J. Med.
    Published by Massachusetts Medical Society
    Earliest: 1929; 201 -- Most Recent: 2024; 390(15) -- Total from this journal: 1394

  • New England journal on criminal and civil confinement

    N. Engl. J. Crim. Civil Confin.
    Published by New England Law
    Earliest: 2012; 38(2) -- Most Recent: 2012; 38(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New England journal on prison law

    New Engl. J. Prison Law
    Published by New England Journal on Prison Law
    Earliest: 1976; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 1976; 3(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New England law review

    New Engl Law Rev
    Published by New England School of Law
    Earliest: 1990; 25(2) -- Most Recent: 1990; 25(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New England quarterly

    New Engl. Q.
    Published by MIT Press
    Earliest: 1979; 52(4) -- Most Recent: 2024; 97(1) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • New frontiers in medicine and medical research

    New Front. Med. Med. Res.
    Published by Book Publisher International
    Earliest: 2021; 2 -- Most Recent: 2021; 2 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New generation computing

    New Gener. Comput.
    Copyright: OHMSHA; Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2010; 28(3) -- Most Recent: 2022; 40(4) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • New genetics and society

    New Genet. Soc.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2003; 22(3) -- Most Recent: 2009; 28(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New German critique

    New Ger. Crit.
    Published by Duke University Press
    Earliest: 2013; 40(2 119) -- Most Recent: 2019; 46(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New Hibernia review

    New Hibernia Rev.
    Published by Center for Irish Studies, University of St. Thomas
    Earliest: 2001; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2005; 9(4) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • New horizons

    New Horiz.
    Published by Williams and Wilkins and the Society
    Earliest: 1994; 2(4) -- Most Recent: 1997; 5(4) -- Total from this journal: 18

  • New horizons in adult education and human resource development

    New Horiz. Adult Educ. Human Resource Devel.
    Earliest: 2013; 25(3) -- Most Recent: 2013; 25(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Horizons in Education

    New Horizons in Education
    Earliest: 2009; 57(1) -- Most Recent: 2010; 58(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New ideas in psychology

    New Ideas Psychol.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1997; 15(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 60 -- Total from this journal: 15

  • New Iraqi journal of medicine, The

    N. Iraqi J. Med.
    Copyright: Iraq Ministry of Health; Published by ScopeMed-GESDAV
    Earliest: 2011; 7(3) -- Most Recent: 2011; 7(3) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • New Jersey medicine

    N. J. Med.
    Published by Medical Society of New Jersey
    Earliest: 1986; 83(3) -- Most Recent: 2004; 101(9 Suppl) -- Total from this journal: 57

  • New Jersey nurse

    N. J. Nurse
    Published by New Jersey State Nurses' Association
    Earliest: 1984; 14(4) -- Most Recent: 2013; 43(4) -- Total from this journal: 12

  • New Jersey studies

    NJ Stud.
    Published by New Jersey Historical Commission
    Earliest: 2020; 6(2) -- Most Recent: 2020; 6(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Journal of Chemistry

    New Journal of Chemistry
    Earliest: 2018; 42(8) -- Most Recent: 2018; 42(8) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Journal of European Criminal Law

    New Journal of European Criminal Law
    Earliest: 2014; 5(2) -- Most Recent: 2019; 10(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New law journal, The

    New Law J.
    Published by Butterworths
    Earliest: 1990; 140(6453) -- Most Recent: 1990; 140(6453) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Left Review

    New Left Review
    Earliest: 1999; (238) -- Most Recent: 1999; (238) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New literary history

    New Lit. Hist.
    Published by Johns Hopkins University Press
    Earliest: 1983; 14(2) -- Most Recent: 2022; 53(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New mathematics and natural computation

    New Math. Nat. Comput.
    Published by World Scientific Publishing
    Earliest: 2015; 11(1) -- Most Recent: 2015; 11(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New media and society

    New Media Society
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2002; 4(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 25(3) -- Total from this journal: 44

  • New Medicine

    New Medicine
    Earliest: 2014; 2014-January(1) -- Most Recent: 2014; 2014-January(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Mexico law review

    N. M. Law Rev.
    Published by University of New Mexico School of Law
    Earliest: 1982; 12(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; 54(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New Mexico nurse

    N. M. Nurse
    Published by New Mexico Nurses' Association
    Earliest: 1983; 28(2) -- Most Recent: 1983; 28(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New microbes and new infections

    New Microbes New Infect.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2023; 52 -- Most Recent: 2023; 52 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New monthly series

    New Monthly Series
    Published by Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography
    Earliest: 1879; 1(12) -- Most Recent: 1879; 1(12) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Orleans medical and surgical journal

    New Orleans Med. Surg. J.
    Published by Louisiana State Medical Society
    Earliest: 1948; 101(6) -- Most Recent: 1948; 101(6) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New perspectives on Turkey

    New Perspect Turk
    Published by Simon's Rock of Bard College
    Earliest: 2002; (27) -- Most Recent: 2002; (27) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New perspectives quarterly

    New Perspect. Q.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2000; 17(2) -- Most Recent: 2009; 26(3) -- Total from this journal: 16

  • New physician

    New Physician
    Published by American Medical Student Association
    Earliest: 1962; 11 -- Most Recent: 1982; 31(7) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • New phytologist, The

    New Phytol.
    Copyright: New Phytologist Trust; Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2002; 154(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 25

  • New political science

    New Polit. Sci.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2000; 22(1) -- Most Recent: 2012; 34(2) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • New republic, The

    New Repub
    Published by Republic Publishing
    Earliest: 1975; 172(9) -- Most Recent: 2007; 236(18) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • New review of bioethics

    New Rev. Bioeth.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2003; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2003; 1(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New review of film and television studies

    New Rev Film Televis Stud
    Published by Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2012; 10(4) -- Most Recent: 2012; 10(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia

    New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia
    Earliest: 2015; 21(1-2) -- Most Recent: 2015; 21(1-2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New review of information behaviour research, The

    New Rev. Inform. Behav. Res.
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2003; 4(1) -- Most Recent: 2003; 4(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New scholasticism

    New Scholasticism
    Earliest: 1977; 51(4) -- Most Recent: 1980; 54(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New scientist

    New Sci.
    Published by New Science Publications
    Earliest: 1973; 59(855) -- Most Recent: 2018; 238(3177) -- Total from this journal: 63

  • New society

    New Soc.
    Earliest: 1978; 45(824) -- Most Recent: 1978; 45(824) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New solutions: a journal of environmental and occupational health policy

    New Solut.
    Published by Baywood Publishing
    Earliest: 1999; 9(1) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 99

  • New South Wales public health bulletin

    N. S. W. Public Health Bull.
    Published by New South Wales Health Department
    Earliest: 1994; 5(9) -- Most Recent: 2012; 23(1-2) -- Total from this journal: 59

  • New technology, work and employment

    New Tech. Work Employ.
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2007; 22(3) -- Most Recent: 2013; 28(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • New Theatre Quarterly

    New Theatre Quarterly
    Earliest: 1999; 15(3) -- Most Recent: 2020; 36(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New trends in experimental and clinical psychiatry

    New Trends Exp. Clin. Psychiatry
    Published by CIC edizioni internazionali
    Earliest: 1990; 6(3) -- Most Recent: 1999; 15(2-3) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • New trends in psychology

    New Trends Psychol.
    Published by Danubius University
    Earliest: 2020; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 5(2) -- Total from this journal: 16

  • New University quarterly

    New Univ. Q.
    Earliest: 1980; 34(4) -- Most Recent: 1980; 34(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New voices in psychology

    New Voices Psychol.
    Published by University of South Africa Press (UNISA Press)
    Earliest: 2016; 11(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 11(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Writing

    New Writing
    Earliest: 2015; 12(1) -- Most Recent: 2015; 12(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New York

    New York
    Published by New York Magazine Co
    Earliest: 1977; 10(10) -- Most Recent: 1977; 10(10) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New York folklore

    N. Y. Folk.
    Published by New York Folklore Society
    Earliest: 1988; 24(1-2) -- Most Recent: 1988; 24(1-2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New York journal of dentistry

    N. Y. J. Dent.
    Published by New York Journal of Dentistry
    Earliest: 1974; 44(3) -- Most Recent: 1974; 44(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New York Law School journal of international and comparative law

    New York Law School journal of international and comparative law
    Earliest: 1995; 15(1) -- Most Recent: 1995; 15(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New York Law School Human Rights Annual

    New York Law School Human Rights Annual
    Earliest: 1990; 7(2) -- Most Recent: 1990; 7(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New York Law School law review

    N.Y. Law Sch. Law Rev.
    Published by New York Law School
    Earliest: 1977; 22(4) -- Most Recent: 1989; 34(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New York medical quarterly

    N. Y. Med. Q.
    Earliest: 1985; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 1985; 5(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New York medicine

    N.Y. Med.
    Published by Medical Society of the County of New York
    Earliest: 1948; 4(8) -- Most Recent: 1952; 8(20) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • New York monthly review of medical and surgical science and Buffalo medical journal

    N.Y. Mon. Rev. Med. Surg. Sci. Buffalo Med. J.
    Published by Charles B. Norton
    Earliest: 1860; 15(11) -- Most Recent: 1860; 15(11) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New York state dental journal

    N. Y. State Dent. J.
    Published by New York State Dental Association
    Earliest: 1947; 13(6) -- Most Recent: 2013; 79(4) -- Total from this journal: 30

  • New York state journal of medicine

    N. Y. State J. Med.
    Published by Medical Society of the State of New York
    Earliest: 1946; 46(3) -- Most Recent: 1992; 92(11) -- Total from this journal: 359

  • New York times

    NY Times (Print)
    Published by H.J. Raymond and Co
    Earliest: 1987; -- Most Recent: 2007; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 40

  • New York Times Magazine

    N. Y. Times Mag.
    Published by The New York Times
    Earliest: 1999; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 1999; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New York University annual survey of American law

    NY Univ. Annu. Surv. Am. Law
    Published by New York University School of Law
    Earliest: 2022; 77(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 77(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New York University journal of law and liberty

    New York University journal of law and liberty
    Earliest: 2011; 5 -- Most Recent: 2011; 5 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New York University law review

    N. Y. Univ. Law Rev.
    Published by New York University School of Law
    Earliest: 1974; 49(2-3) -- Most Recent: 2024; 99 -- Total from this journal: 13

  • New Yorker, The

    New Yorker
    Published by Conde Nast Publications
    Earliest: 1995; 71(13) -- Most Recent: 2010; (Feb 15-22) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • New Zealand bioethics journal

    N. Zeal. Bioeth. J.
    Published by Bioethics Centre, University of Otago
    Earliest: 2002; 3(1) -- Most Recent: 2002; 3(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Zealand dental journal

    N. Zeal. Dent. J.
    Published by New Zealand Dental Association
    Earliest: 1965; 61 -- Most Recent: 2016; 112(2) -- Total from this journal: 20

  • New Zealand family law journal

    N. Zeal. Fam. Law J.
    Published by LexisNexis NZ
    Total from this journal: 0

  • New Zealand family physician

    N. Zeal. Fam. Physician
    Published by New Zealand College of General Practitioners
    Total from this journal: 0

  • New Zealand geographer

    N. Zeal. Geog.
    Copyright: New Zealand Geographical Society; Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2007; 63(3) -- Most Recent: 2008; 64(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New Zealand hospital

    N. Zeal. Hosp.
    Published by Hospital Boards Association of New Zealand
    Earliest: 1978; 30(4) -- Most Recent: 1987; 39(5) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • New Zealand journal of educational studies

    N. Zeal. J. Educ. Stud.
    Published by New Zealand Council for Educational Research
    Earliest: 1976; 11(2) -- Most Recent: 2008; 43(2) -- Total from this journal: 9

  • New Zealand journal of employment relations

    N. Zeal. J. Empl. Relat.
    Published by ER Publishing
    Earliest: 2016; 41(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 41(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Zealand journal of history

    N. Zeal. J. Hist.
    Published by University of Auckland
    Earliest: 2001; 35(1) -- Most Recent: 2001; 35(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science

    New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science
    Earliest: 2010; 64(1) -- Most Recent: 2010; 64(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Zealand journal of physiotherapy

    NZ J. Physiother.
    Published by Physiotherapy New Zealand
    Earliest: 2021; 49(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 51(3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New Zealand journal of psychology

    N. Zeal. J. Psychol.
    Published by New Zealand Psychological Society
    Earliest: 2005; 34(3) -- Most Recent: 2021; 50(2) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • New Zealand journal of sports medicine

    N. Zeal. J. Sports Med.
    Published by New Zealand Federation of Sports Medicine and Sports Medicine New Zealand
    Total from this journal: 0

  • New Zealand law journal

    N. Zeal. Law J.
    Published by Butterworths
    Earliest: 1991; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 1991; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Zealand medical journal

    N. Zeal. Med. J.
    Published by New Zealand Medical Association
    Earliest: 1948; 47(258) -- Most Recent: 2024; 137(1600) -- Total from this journal: 913

  • New Zealand medical student journal

    Published by New Zealand Medical Student Journal Organising Committee
    Earliest: 2014; (18/19) -- Most Recent: 2014; (18/19) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Zealand nursing forum

    N. Zeal. Nurs. Forum
    Published by Nurses Society of New Zealand
    Earliest: 1983; 11(1) -- Most Recent: 1983; 11(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Zealand nursing journal

    N. Zeal. Nurs. J.
    Published by New Zealand Registered Nurses Association
    Earliest: 1965; 58(11) -- Most Recent: 1989; 82(6) -- Total from this journal: 31

  • New Zealand physical educator

    NZ Phys. Educ.
    Published by Physical Education New Zealand
    Earliest: 2016; 49(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 49(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • New Zealand Public Health Report

    New Zealand Public Health Report
    Earliest: 1997; 4(7) -- Most Recent: 1997; 4(7) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • New Zealand public health surveillance report

    N. Zeal. Public Health Surveill. Rep.
    Published by Institute of Environmental Science and Research
    Total from this journal: 0

  • New Zealand sociology

    New Zealand Sociology
    Earliest: 2010; 25(1) -- Most Recent: 2013; 28(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • New Zealand veterinary journal

    N. Zeal. Vet. J.
    Copyright: New Zealand Veterinary Association;
    Earliest: 1966; 14(5-6) -- Most Recent: 2019; 67(2) -- Total from this journal: 16

  • New Zealand women’s law journal

    N Z Women. Law J.
    Published by Trustees of the New Zealand Women's Law Journal
    Earliest: 2019; 3 -- Most Recent: 2019; 3 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Newborn and infant nursing reviews

    Newborn Infant Nurs. Rev.
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2007; 7(1) -- Most Recent: 2007; 7(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Newport international journal of scientific and experimental sciences

    Newport international journal of scientific and experimental sciences
    Earliest: 2023; 3(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; 3(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • News and views : Rhode Island nursing magazine

    News Views
    Published by Rhode Island State Nurses' Association
    Earliest: 1980; 11(11) -- Most Recent: 1980; 11(11) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • News for Teachers of Political Science

    News for Teachers of Political Science
    Earliest: 1982; 35 -- Most Recent: 1985; 44 -- Total from this journal: 3

  • News media and the law

    News Media Law
    Published by Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
    Total from this journal: 0

  • News weekly

    News Weekly
    Earliest: 2015; (2940) -- Most Recent: 2015; (2940) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Newsletter (Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children)

    Newsl. Inter. Afr. Comm. Tradit. Pract. Affect. Health Women Child.
    Published by Inter-African Committee
    Earliest: 1990; (9) -- Most Recent: 1990; (9) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Newsletter - Springfield Dental Society

    Newsl Springfield Dent Soc
    Earliest: 1977; 2(7) -- Most Recent: 1977; 2(7) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Newsletter / Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children

    Newsl. Inter. Afr. Comm. Tradit. Pract. Affect. Health Women Child.
    Published by Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children
    Earliest: 1995; (17) -- Most Recent: 1995; (17) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Newsletter / Women's Global Network on Reproductive Rights

    Newsl. Womens Glob. Netw. Reprod. Rights
    Published by Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights
    Earliest: 1995; (51-52) -- Most Recent: 1995; (51-52) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Newsletter Macro Systems. Institute for Resource Development. Demographic and Health Surveys

    Newsl. Macro Syst. Inst. Resour. Dev. Demogr. Health Surv.
    Published by Institute for Resource Development/Macro Systems
    Earliest: 1993; 6(1) -- Most Recent: 1993; 6(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Newsletter on the results of scholarly work in sociology, criminology, philosophy and political science

    Newsl. Results Schol. Work Sociol. Criminol. Phil. Polit. Sci.
    Published by International Independent Permanent Center for Criminological Research
    Earliest: 2023; 4(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 4(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Newspaper research journal

    Newsp. Res. J.
    Published by Newspaper Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
    Earliest: 1998; 19(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 43(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Newsweek

    Published by Newsweek
    Earliest: 1975; 85(9) -- Most Recent: 2008; 152(17) -- Total from this journal: 29

  • Nexo rev. Hosp. Ital. B.Aires

    Nexo rev. Hosp. Ital. B.Aires
    Earliest: 1995; 15(1) -- Most Recent: 1995; 15(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Next Generation Pharmaceutical

    Next Generation Pharmaceutical
    Earliest: 2011; (20) -- Most Recent: 2011; (20) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Nexus Netw. J.

    Nexus Netw. J.
    Earliest: 2014; 16(3) -- Most Recent: 2014; 16(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

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