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Ia-Ie | If-Ii | Ij-Io | Ip-It | Iu-Iz


  • IFAC-PapersOnLine

    Copyright: International Federation of Automatic Control; Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2016; 49(3) -- Most Recent: 2022; 55(39) -- Total from this journal: 15

  • Ife psychologia

    Ife Psychol.
    Published by Ife Center for Psychological Studies
    Earliest: 1998; 6(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 31(1) -- Total from this journal: 12

  • IFLA journal

    IFLA J.
    Copyright: International Federation of Library Associations; Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2006; 32(4) -- Most Recent: 2016; 42(4) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • IFMBE proceedings

    IFMBE Proc.
    Copyright: International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering; Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2015; 49 -- Most Recent: 2015; 49 -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Igaku Butsuri

    Igaku Butsuri
    Earliest: 2012; 32(4) -- Most Recent: 2012; 32(4) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Igaku Kenkyu - Acta Medica

    Igaku Kenkyu
    Published by Kyushu Daigaku Gakubu Hoigaku Kyoshitsunai, Daido-Gakkan Shuppan-Bu
    Earliest: 1968; 38(3) -- Most Recent: 1989; 59(2) -- Total from this journal: 25

  • Igakushi kenkyu. Studies on history of medicine

    Igakushi Kenkyu
    Published by Igakushi Kenkyukai
    Earliest: 1972; 39 -- Most Recent: 1972; 39 -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Igiena

    Published by Societatea de Igienă si Sănătate Publică
    Earliest: 1954; 2 -- Most Recent: 1955; 4 -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Igiene e Sanita Pubblica

    Ig. Sanita Pubbl.
    Published by Iniziative Sanitarie
    Earliest: 2002; 58(5) -- Most Recent: 2023; 80(3) -- Total from this journal: 21

  • IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

    IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
    Earliest: 2022; 59(43) -- Most Recent: 2023; 60(15) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • IIE Transactions

    IIE Trans.
    Earliest: 2013; 45(10) -- Most Recent: 2017; 49(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • IIE transactions on occupational ergonomics and human factors

    IIE Trans. Occup.
    Copyright: Institute of Industrial Engineers; Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2014; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 4(4) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • IIHS status report

    IIHS Status Rep.
    Published by Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
    Earliest: 2006; 41(5) -- Most Recent: 2015; 50(3) -- Total from this journal: 17

  • IIM Ranchi journal of management studies

    IIM Ranchi journal of management studies
    Total from this journal: 0

  • IIPS newsletter

    IIPS Newsl.
    Published by International Institute for Population Sciences
    Earliest: 1983; 24(4) -- Most Recent: 1983; 24(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • IISE Transactions

    IISE Transactions
    Earliest: 2017; 49(10) -- Most Recent: 2017; 49(10) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering

    IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering
    Earliest: 2019; 9(3) -- Most Recent: 2019; 9(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • IISE transactions on occupational ergonomics and human factors

    IISE Trans. Occup. Ergon. Hum. Factors
    Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 2020; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 14

  • IIUC studies

    IIUC Stud.
    Published by International Islamic University Chittagong
    Earliest: 2006; 3(0) -- Most Recent: 2006; 3(0) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • IIUM Engineering Journal

    IIUM Engineering Journal
    Earliest: 2021; 22(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; 22(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

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