A systematic review and meta-analysis of data linkage between motor vehicle crash and hospital-based datasets
Can we trust our eyes? Interpreting the misperception of road safety from street view images and deep learning
Dynamic short-term crash analysis and prediction at toll plazas for proactive safety management
Identifying the latent relationships between factors associated with traffic crashes through graphical models
Impact of alcohol driving-while-impaired license suspension duration on future alcohol-related license events and motor vehicle crash involvement in North Carolina, 2007 to 2016
Modeling of single-vehicle and multi-vehicle truck-involved crashes injury severities: a comparative and temporal analysis in a developing country
Police and hospital data linkage for traffic injury surveillance: a systematic review
Predicting pedestrian-involved crash severity using inception-v3 deep learning model
Risk factors as causes of accidents: criterion of causality, logical structure of relationship to accidents and completeness of explanations
The effect of rear bicycle light configurations on drivers' perception of cyclists' presence and proximity