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Ma-Me | Mf-Mi | Mj-Mo | Mp-Mt | Mu-Mz


  • Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
    Muallim Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
    Earliest: 2023; 7(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 7(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mudanças
    Earliest: 1998; 6(10) -- Most Recent: 2021; 29(1) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Multi-Sci. J.
    Multi-science journal
    Published by Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí
    Earliest: 2020; 3(3) -- Most Recent: 2020; 3(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Multibody Syst. Dyn.
    Multibody system dynamics
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2011; 25(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 59(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Multicultural Education
    Multicultural Education
    Earliest: 2013; 21(1) -- Most Recent: 2013; 21(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Multicultural learning and teaching
    Multicultural learning and teaching
    Earliest: 2013; 8(2) -- Most Recent: 2013; 8(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education
    Multidisciplinary journal of school education
    Published by Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow and the Abat Oliba CEU University in Barcelona
    Earliest: 2021; 10(2 (20)) -- Most Recent: 2021; 10(2 (20)) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Multidiscip. Respir. Med.
    Multidisciplinary respiratory medicine
    Copyright: Associazione Scientifica Interdesciplinare per lo Studio delle Malattie Respiratorie; Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2013; 8(1) -- Most Recent: 2013; 8(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Multidiscip. Model. Mater. Struct.
    Multidiscipline modeling in materials and structures
    Published by Brill Academic Publishers
    Earliest: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Multimed (Granma)
    Multimed (Granma)
    Earliest: 2020; 24(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 26(2) -- Total from this journal: 8

  • Multimed. Syst.
    Multimedia systems
    Copyright: Association for Computing Machinery; Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2017; 23(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 29(4) -- Total from this journal: 21

  • Multimed. Tools Appl.
    Multimedia tools and applications
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2010; 52(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 82(23) -- Total from this journal: 39

  • Multimedia, IEEE
    Multimedia, IEEE
    Published by IEEE Computer Society
    Earliest: 1996; 3(3) -- Most Recent: 1996; 3(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Multimodal Transp.
    Multimodal transportation
    Copyright: The Author(s); Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2022; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 1(2) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Multinati. Buss. Rev.
    Multinational business review
    Published by Emerald Group Publishing
    Earliest: 2022; 30(2) -- Most Recent: 2022; 30(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mult. Scler. Relat. Disord.
    Multiple sclerosis and related disorders
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2016; 8 -- Most Recent: 2024; 87 -- Total from this journal: 52

  • Mult. Scler. Int.
    Multiple sclerosis international
    Published by Hindawi Publishers
    Earliest: 2012; 2012 -- Most Recent: 2019; 2019 -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Mult. Scler. J. Exp. Transl. Clin.
    Multiple sclerosis journal - experimental, translational and clinical
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 2016; 2 -- Most Recent: 2018; 4(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Mult. Scler.
    Multiple Sclerosis: Clinical and Laboratory Research
    Published by SAGE Publishing
    Earliest: 1998; 4(5) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 45

  • Multisens. Res.
    Multisensory research
    Published by Brill Academic Publishers
    Earliest: 2013; 26(1-2) -- Most Recent: 2015; 28(5-6) -- Total from this journal: 6

  • Multitudes
    Earliest: 2009; 35(1) -- Most Recent: 2009; 35(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Multivariate Behav. Res.
    Multivariate behavioral research
    Copyright: Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology; Published by Informa - Taylor and Francis Group
    Earliest: 1966; 1(3) -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 18

  • Multivariate Experimental Clinical Research
    Multivariate Experimental Clinical Research
    Earliest: 1996; 11(2) -- Most Recent: 1996; 11(2) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Munca Sanit.
    Munca Sanitară
    Published by Editura Medicala
    Earliest: 1965; 13(9) -- Most Recent: 1974; 22(4) -- Total from this journal: 10

  • Munch. Med. Wochenschr.
    Munchener Medizinische Wochenschrift
    Published by J F Lehmann
    Earliest: 1907; 54(8) -- Most Recent: 1973; 115(49) -- Total from this journal: 277

  • Mund Kiefer Gesichtschir.
    Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2000; 4(Suppl 1) -- Most Recent: 2007; 11(4) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Mundo da Saude
    Mundo da Saude
    Earliest: 1995; 19(4) -- Most Recent: 2021; 45 -- Total from this journal: 11

  • Muscle Nerve
    Muscle and nerve
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 1982; 5(9S) -- Most Recent: 2024; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 35

  • Muscles Ligaments Tendons J.
    Muscles, ligaments and tendons journal
    Published by CIC Edizioni Internazionali
    Earliest: 2011; 1(1) -- Most Recent: 2020; 10(02) -- Total from this journal: 17

  • Musculoskeletal Care
    Musculoskeletal care
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2007; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2019; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Musculoskelet. Sci. Pract.
    Musculoskeletal science and practice
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 2017; 29 -- Most Recent: 2024; 73 -- Total from this journal: 23

  • Musculoskelet. Surg.
    Musculoskeletal surgery
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1968; 57(1) -- Most Recent: 2021; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Mus. Anthropol.
    Museum anthropology
    Published by American Anthropological Association
    Earliest: 2007; 30(2) -- Most Recent: 2008; 31(2) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Museum Helveticum
    Museum Helveticum
    Earliest: 2022; 79(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 79(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mus. Int.
    Museum international
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2007; 59(4) -- Most Recent: 2008; 60(3) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Music Anal.
    Music analysis
    Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2007; 26(1‐2) -- Most Recent: 2008; 27(2‐3) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Music Percept.
    Music perception
    Published by University of California Press
    Earliest: 2010; 28(1) -- Most Recent: 2010; 28(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Music Ther. Perspect.
    Music therapy perspectives
    Published by Oxford University Press
    Earliest: 2021; 39(1) -- Most Recent: 2022; 40(1) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Musicology Australia
    Musicology Australia
    Published by Musicological Society of Australia
    Earliest: 2012; 34(1) -- Most Recent: 2012; 34(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Muslim World J. Hum. Rights
    Muslim world journal of human rights
    Published by Walter de Gruyter
    Earliest: 2005; 2(1) -- Most Recent: 2019; 16(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Muslim World
    Muslim world: a quarterly review of history, culture, religions and the Christian mission in Islamdom
    Copyright: Hartford Seminary Foundation; Published by John Wiley and Sons
    Earliest: 2001; 91(3‐4) -- Most Recent: 2013; 103(1) -- Total from this journal: 26

  • Eng. Mil. Bull.
    Műszaki katonai közlöny
    Published by Ludovika University Press
    Earliest: 2023; 33(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 33(2) -- Total from this journal: 7

  • Mutat. Res.
    Mutation research
    Published by Elsevier Publishing
    Earliest: 1984; 127(2) -- Most Recent: 2018; 834 -- Total from this journal: 16

  • Mutatis Mutandis
    Mutatis Mutandis
    Earliest: 2023; 16(1) -- Most Recent: 2023; 16(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Muveszettorteneti Ertesito
    Muveszettorteneti Ertesito
    Earliest: 2013; 62(1) -- Most Recent: 2013; 62(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • mUX J. Mob. User Exp.
    mUX: the journal of mobile user experience
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2016; 5(1) -- Most Recent: 2016; 5(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Muzeologia a Kulturne Dedicstvo
    Muzeologia a Kulturne Dedicstvo
    Earliest: 2021; 9(4) -- Most Recent: 2021; 9(4) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Muziki
    Published by Unisa Press
    Earliest: 2012; 9(1) -- Most Recent: 2012; 9(1) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Myanmar Health Sci. Res. J.
    Myanmar health sciences research journal
    Published by Myanmar Department of Medical Research
    Earliest: 1992; 4(2) -- Most Recent: 1997; 9(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Myanmar Med. J.
    Myanmar medical journal
    Earliest: 1994; 39(1) -- Most Recent: 2000; 44(1) -- Total from this journal: 3

  • Mycobiology
    Published by Korean Society of Mycology
    Earliest: 2014; 42(3) -- Most Recent: 2014; 42(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • MycoKeys
    Published by Pensoft Publishers
    Earliest: 2022; 90 -- Most Recent: 2022; 92 -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Mycologia
    Published by Mycological Society of America
    Earliest: 1965; 57 -- Most Recent: 2023; ePub(ePub) -- Total from this journal: 9

  • Mycol. Res.
    Mycological research
    Copyright: British Mycological Society; Published by Cambridge University Press
    Earliest: 2003; 107(Pt 2) -- Most Recent: 2006; 110(Pt 9) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Mycopathologia
    Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 1986; 93(1) -- Most Recent: 2015; 181(1-2) -- Total from this journal: 4

  • Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl.
    Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata
    Published by Dr W Junk Publishers
    Earliest: 1969; 39(3) -- Most Recent: 1969; 39(3) -- Total from this journal: 1

  • Mycoscience
    Copyright: Mycological Society of Japan; Published by Holtzbrinck Springer Nature Publishing Group
    Earliest: 2017; 58(2) -- Most Recent: 2022; 63(6) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Mycoses
    Published by Grosse Verlag
    Earliest: 1994; 37(Suppl 1) -- Most Recent: 2024; 67(2) -- Total from this journal: 5

  • Mykosen
    Published by Grosse Verlag
    Earliest: 1974; 17(12) -- Most Recent: 1974; 17(12) -- Total from this journal: 2

  • Mymensingh Med. J.
    Mymensingh medical journal
    Published by Mymensingh Medical College
    Earliest: 2004; 13(2) -- Most Recent: 2024; 33(3) -- Total from this journal: 33

  • Mythlore
    Earliest: 2023; 41(2) -- Most Recent: 2023; 41(2) -- Total from this journal: 2

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