Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali
AAPP Physical, Mathematical & Natural Sciences
AAPP Phys. Math. Nat. Sci.
Published by:
Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti
Publisher Location: Messina, Italy
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Range of citations in the SafetyLit database:
2023; 101(Suppl 1) --
2023; 101(Suppl 1)
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pISSN = 0365-0359 | eISSN = 1825-1242
LCCN = 8344530
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Journal Language(s):
English, Italian
Aims and Scope (from publisher):
This journal is of a multi- and inter-disciplinary nature and covers a broad range of fields including mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, earth sciences, and their intersection. History of science is also included within the topics addressed by the journal. The transactions of the Pelorian Academy started out as periodic news sheets containing the notes presented by the members of the Divisions into which the Academy has been and still is organized, according to subject areas. The publication of these notes for the Division (“Classe”) of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences is the responsibility of the Editorial Committee, which is composed of the Director of the division with the role of Chairman, the Vice-Director, the Secretary and two or more other members. Besides original research articles, the journal also accepts texts from conferences and invited talks held in the Academy. These contributions are published in a different section of the journal. In addition to the regular issues, single monographic supplements are occasionally published which assemble reports and communications presented at congresses, symposia, seminars, study meetings and other scientific events organized by the Academy or under its patronage. Since 2004 these transactions have been published online in the form of an open access electronic journal.