Bulletin social-economic and humanitarian research
Bûlletenʹ socialʹno-èkonomičeskih i gumanitarnyh issledovanij
Bull. Soc. Econ. Humanit. Res.
Published by:
Publisher Location: Voronezh, Russian Federation
Journal Website:
Range of citations in the SafetyLit database:
2023; 19(21) --
2023; 19(21)
Publication Date Range:
2018 --
Number of articles from this journal included in the SafetyLit database:
(Download all articles from this journal in CSV format.)
eISSN = 2658-5561
Find a library that holds this journal: http://worldcat.org/issn/26585561
Journal Language(s):
Russian, English
Aims and Scope (from publisher):
Scientific Network Journal "Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research" publishes articles on the relationship of various government agencies and society. The Editorial Board determines the order of publication of articles. The journal is published from February 5, 2018.
The journal "Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research" is published with the support of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Scientific-Historical Center "World History"
The main focus of the journal is the publication of innovative articles that open up new perspectives and horizons in the coverage of social and humanitarian problems of History and Modernity. In comparison with other similar editions, the journal publishes articles in new scientific fields: "Institutional History“, including ”History of the Institute of the Orthodox Church“, ”Institutional Economics“, including ”Economics of the Institute of The Labor Market" and other newest areas of scientific research. Journal specializes in promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and publishes articles that use methodological concepts from areas such as “Historical Anthropology”, “Archeology”, “Art History”, "History of Science and Technology", “Colonial and Postcolonial Research,” “Gender Research”, "Praxeology", including "General Theory of Human Interactions", "Sports and Recreation Activities in the System of Youth Education" and “World History”.
The mission of the journal is to identify and promote innovative approaches to solving the most important problems of history and modernity, to acquaint the world scientific community and the general public with the latest achievements of historical, philosophical and socio-humanitarian thought.
The purpose of the journal is to form a new, meeting the requirements of modern science, view of Russian and World History, the logic of development and the peculiarities of the functioning of society and man, to deepen and clarify the understanding of the entire subject area of social and humanitarian knowledge.