Res militaris
European journal of military studies
Res Mil.
Published by:
Association Res Militaris
Publisher Location: London, England, UK
Journal Website:
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Range of citations in the SafetyLit database:
2022; 12(2) --
2023; 13(2)
Publication Date Range:
2010 --
Number of articles from this journal included in the SafetyLit database:
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pISSN = 2265-6294
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Journal Language(s):
English, French
Aims and Scope (from publisher):
Res Militaris is a bilingual (English, French), peer-reviewed, on-line social science journal dedicated to the study of Multidisciplinary issues. it is Multidisciplinary journal. It pursues a threefold objective : provide an independent publication outlet and forum for a growing European scholarly input in the military field ; stimulate intellectual exchange and international (notably transatlantic) debate ; bring some linguistic/cultural balance to an area of study hitherto dominated by English-language publications.
Some fifty international (mainly European and North American) defence scholars have accepted to serve on its editorial board for peer-review purposes. A group of prestigious senior figures – academics, officers, journalists – forms its patronage committee.
The journal originally (2010-2013) appeared at the pace of three issues a year, in Autumn, Winter-Spring and Summer. From volume 4 (2014) onwards, its periodicity of publication has shifted to two issues yearly, in Winter-Spring and Summer-Autumn.
Interdisciplinary in character, it carries material conceived from the perspectives of sociology, political science, anthropology, psychology, geography, history, economics, law and management. It adopts a broad definition of the term “military”, to include all aspects of the nature, roles, organization, actual or potential use of armed force, and its internal or external consequences. Just as much as war studies, it considers internal security, conflict resolution and peace research to be part of the province it intends to cover. It welcomes empirical, analytic, comparative and theoretical approaches alike. As becomes a serious academic journal, Res Militaris is pluralist in value-orientation.
The review is concerned with the two facets of military force and institutions, functional and sociopolitical, as well as with that substantive area’s four levels of analysis: international (context, role, management, and outcomes of the uses of force, internationalization of security), national (political-military nexus, armed forces and society), meso– (organization and profession), and micro-analytical (individuals and small groups).