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International journal of research publication and reviews


Abbreviation: Int. J. Res. Publ. Rev.

Published by: Genesis Global Publication

Publisher Location: Bhopal, India

Journal Website:

Range of citations in the SafetyLit database: 2021; 2(7) -- 2022; 3(7)

Publication Date Range: 2020 --

Number of articles from this journal included in the SafetyLit database: 8
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eISSN = 2582-7421

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Journal Language(s): English

Aims and Scope (from publisher): International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews (IJRPR) is an international, peer reviewed, open access, online journal that provides the global platform to publish and share the novel ideas, original research work, review papers, research articles and scientific comments on recent trends in science, engineering and technologies, business, medicine, arts and many more. IJRPR aims to encourage the Academician, Researchers, Research scholars, Students and Industrialists to deliberate upon emerging trends.

We accept the original research article which has not been published previously and extended version of previously published papers in international journals and conferences. By publishing with us, your research will get the global coverage and attention it deserves. The journal considers cutting-edge contributions across the breadth of different academic disciplines.