A death due to faulty airbag system-case report
A serial analysis of hydrogen sulfide poisoning: three group accidents
Accidental fatal poisoning in a child due to ingestion of Nerium oleander leaf
An atypical death from Rapunzel syndrome: a case report
Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) for driving urgently should be lowered to 0.05
Cannibalism-overview and medicolegal issues
Child sexual abuse unmasked due to vaginal foreign body: case review
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE)-features and forensic considerations
Death from exsanguination due to power drill injuries in a complex suicide: a case report
Death on New Year's Eve caused by illegal fireworks-a firework shell
Diatoms pass through the gastrointestinal barrier and lead to false-positive: an animal experiment
Dimethyl sulfate poisoning in China: a fatal case and a 45-year retrospective study
Fatal poisoning due to aconite: autopsy findings and postmortem quantitative analysis
Fatal violent urogenitoanal injuries penetrated with fish into vagina [letter]
How the forensic multidisciplinary approach can solve a fatal dog pack attack
Identification issues in bodies maimed by train fatalities: the role of the forensic pathologist
More than meets the eye: a scoping review on the non-medical uses of THZ eye drops
Opioid-related deaths in Ontario correctional facilities and penitentiaries (2009-2019)
Penetration performance of protective materials from crossbow attack: a preliminary study
Post-mortem toxicological analysis of cocaine: main biological samples and analytical methods
Postmortem redistribution of drugs: a literature review
Quid pro quo doctor, I tell you things, you tell me things: ChatGPT's thoughts on a killer
Review of patterns in homicides by sharp force: one institution's experience
Shaken adult syndrome due to ocean wave: an autopsy case
Socioeconomic and psychosocial determinants of substance misuse - a national perspective
Suicide by sharp force associated with major self-mutilation and self-cannibalism
The "facie sympathique" sign in hanging: historical background, forensic review, and perspectives
The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on sexual assault in Western Denmark
The last jump: epidemiology of suicides at the Tour Eiffel (Paris) between 1950 and 1989
The need to monitor emerging issues in etomidate usage: the misuse or abuse potential
The role of pathologists in increasing knowledge of safe sleep practices for infants
Two case reports of fatal injuries sustained from tear gas guns loaded with pebbles as missiles
Under-reporting of forensic findings: craniocervical emergency imaging in cases of survived hanging
Value of stomach content in a case of fatal child homicide
Vehicle-assisted ligature decapitation - an unusual case report
Women's sexual abuse: forensic-gynecologic expertise experiences