'Coming home does not mean that the injury has gone'-exploring the lived experience of socioeconomic and quality of life outcomes in post-discharge trauma patients in urban India
A scoping review of how exposure to urban violence impacts youth access to sexual, reproductive and trauma health care in LMICs
Assessing the social patterning and magnitude of inequalities in sexual violence among young women in Uganda: findings from 2016 demographic and health survey
COVID-19 violence and the structural determinants of death: Canada's seasonal agricultural worker programme
COVID-19, violence, and mental health among Indigenous gay and bisexual men in Guatemala: an urgent call from key stakeholders
Disparities in self-reported exposure to tobacco marketing among youth and young adults from low-socioeconomic status neighbourhoods in Mexico City
Evidence attack in public health: diverse actors' experiences with translating controversial or misrepresented evidence in health policy and systems research
Examining implementation of an intervention to reduce psychological distress and intimate partner violence in a refugee camp setting
Factors associated with experiencing lifetime intimate partner violence among pregnant displaced women living in refugee camps in Erbil, Iraq
Fighting for mothers who do sex work: an interview with Dudu Dlamini
Intimate partner violence perpetration and sexual risk behaviour: identifying shared determinants among young men in Tanzania
Learners' viewpoints on the possibilities and limitations imposed by social contexts on online group-based participatory interventions to address violence
Like ticking time bombs. Improvising structural competency to 'Defuse' the exploding of violence against emergency care workers in Italy
Mixed-methods findings from the Ngutulu Kagwero (agents of change) participatory comic pilot study on post-rape clinical care and sexual violence prevention with refugee youth in a humanitarian setting in Uganda
Pathways to change: three decades of feminist research and activism to end violence against women in Nicaragua
Persistence of female genital mutilation/cutting in two Kenyan communities: what can we learn from change that falls short of abandonment?
Police abuse and care engagement of people with HIV who inject drugs in Ukraine
Reflecting on our good intentions: a critical discourse analysis of women's health and empowerment discourses in sexual and gender-based violence policies relevant to southern Africa
The whore gaze as the world burns: a conversation between PJ Starr, Monica Jones, The Incredible, Edible, Akynos and Bambi Katsura
Violence against sex workers: correlates and changes under 'End-Demand' legislation in Canada: a five city study
What is the current evidence for the relationship between the climate and environmental crises and child marriage? A scoping review
Youth voices from an informal settlement of Nairobi, Kenya: engaging adolescent perspectives on violence to inform prevention