'Flipped learning' in disaster triage - polarising medical student attainment?
Application and prospect of mobile hospital in disaster response
Applying the Haddon matrix to hospital earthquake preparedness and response
Associations between social support and subjective symptoms in disaster-stricken Ishinomaki, Japan
Beirut ammonium nitrate explosion: a man-made disaster in times of CoViD19 pandemic
Bioterrorism preparedness and response in Poland: prevention, surveillance, and mitigation planning
Chain of survival in industrial emergencies and industrial disasters
Characteristics of resilience among disaster rescue workers: a systematic review
Dealing with burn patients in war zones
Development of a mobile laboratory for sudden onset disasters
Disaster literacy and public health: a systematic review and integration of definitions and models
Effectiveness of household emergency plans in violent tornadoes
Effects of hurricanes on emergency department utilization: an analysis across 7 US storms
Evaluation of emergency medical team coordination following the 2015 Nepal Earthquake
Factors affecting resiliency among volunteers in disasters: a systematic literature review
Five decades of global chemical terror attacks: data analysis to inform training and preparedness
Flood preparedness literacy and behaviors in community dwelling older adults
Global research on public health emergency preparedness from 1997 to 2019: a bibliometric analysis
Historical disaster exposure and household preparedness across the United States
Hospital operation during a disaster - hospital multi-component emergency center (HMCEC)
Household emergency preparedness instrument development: a Delphi study
Hurricane shutter-related injuries treated in emergency departments
Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria: exploring the role of home-based care programs
Improving pediatric administrative disaster preparedness through simulated disaster huddles
Lessons learned from a chlorine gas leakage in Dezful City, Iran
Medical emergencies requiring first aid at home: a population-based survey study
Mental illness prevalence and disparities among Hurricane Sandy survivors: a 2-year retrospective
Minimizing isolation of the elderly following the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster
Nail wound and cellulitis following Typhoon Hagibis in Fukushima, Japan
Necessity of focus on the disaster risk perception: lessons from the 2019 floods in Iran
Pictorial representation of threat perception and its association with emergency preparedness
Predictors of emergency preparedness among older adults in the United States
Related factors associated with earthquake inpatient mortality
Relationship between nurses' decision-making style and their disaster response competencies
Research on disaster literacy and affecting factors of college students in central China
Resilience and behavioral health parity key to disaster preparedness
Road centerline data accumulation for rescue workers whose expertise is not GIS
Role of religious institutions in disaster risk management: a systematic review
Social, legal and ethical challenges in the development and implementation of disaster telemedicine
Systematic review of displacement and health impact from natural disasters in Southeast Asia
Tornado disaster casualties admitted to a county hospital in the Jiangsu Province of China