An application of the Biobehavioral Family Model: Examining the impact of maternal depression on child asthma mediated by insecure attachment and child depression
Attachment-based family therapy for sexual and gender minority young adults and their nonaccepting parents
Between cornfields and kinfolk: identity management among transgender youth in Midwestern families and communities
Building a nest in a storm: the impact of immigration-related stress on Latino mothers' parenting
Culturally adapting an evidence-based parenting intervention for the Chilean context: balancing fidelity, context, and cultural relevance
Differentiation of self, anxiety, triangling and distress: a test of Bowen theory
Effects of family therapy for substance abuse: a systematic review of recent research
Is separate the new equal? A meta-analytic review of correlates of intimate partner violence victimization for Black and White women in the United States
Maternal satisfaction with joint and sole child physical placement arrangements following separation in Wisconsin and Finland
Parental socialization of mental health in Chinese American families: what parents say and do, and how youth make meaning
Perceived discrimination and Latina college students' depressive symptoms: the roles of dyadic coping with sisters and familism values
Predictors of attitudes toward potentially having an lesbian, gay, or bisexual child among Chinese heterosexual adults
Promoting resilience to depression among couples during pregnancy: the protective functions of intimate relationship satisfaction and self-compassion
Reducing the incidence of domestic violence: an observational study of an equine-assisted intervention
Revisiting "ill will versus poor skill": relationship dissatisfaction, intimate partner violence, and observed "communication skills deficits"
The effects of COVID-19 stressors and family life on anxiety and depression one-year into the COVID-19 pandemic
The impact of responsible fatherhood programs on parenting, psychological well-being, and financial outcomes: a randomized controlled trial
The impact of Strong Families, Strong Communities on relationship functioning in low-income African American and Hispanic individuals: findings from a federally funded randomized control trial
The multifaceted role of empathy in the transmission of postpartum depressive symptoms between parents
TRUE Dads: the impact of a couples-based fatherhood intervention on family relationships, child outcomes, and economic self-sufficiency