"I've never been positive … I am now": Participant perspectives of a Positive Behaviour Support Intervention (PBS + PLUS) for community-living individuals with ABI and their Close Others
"They just say how stupid I was for being conned". Cyberscams and acquired brain injury: a qualitative exploration of the lived experience of survivors and close others
Clinical perspectives on delivering a positive behaviour support intervention for challenging behaviours following acquired brain injury
Conceptualization of self-awareness in adults with acquired brain injury: a qualitative systematic review
Cross-cultural adaptation, translation, and validation of a Spanish version of the Westmead Post-traumatic Amnesia Scale for use following a traumatic brain injury
Domains and measures of social cognition in acquired brain injury: a scoping review
Effects of neurological music therapy on behavioural and emotional recovery after traumatic brain injury: a randomized controlled cross-over trial
Navigation ability in patients with acquired brain injury: a population-wide online study
Neuropsychological recovery during the first 12 months after severe traumatic brain injury: a longitudinal study with monthly assessments
Personality changes after acquired brain injury and their effects on rehabilitation outcomes
Sex predicts post-concussion symptom reporting, independently of fatigue and subjective sleep disturbance, in premorbidly healthy adults after mild traumatic brain injury
Social isolation after acquired brain injury: exploring the relationship between network size, functional support, loneliness and mental health
Survey on the experiences, attitudes, and training needs of Australian healthcare professionals related to sexuality and service delivery in individuals with acquired brain injury
The neuropsychological outcomes of non-fatal strangulation in domestic and sexual violence: a systematic review