A randomized controlled trial of acceptance and commitment therapy for psychological distress among persons with traumatic brain injury
An observational study of the association between sleep disturbance, fatigue and cognition in the post-acute period after mild traumatic brain injury in prospectively studied premorbidly healthy adults
Bibliometric study of traumatic brain injury rehabilitation
Detecting mental health problems after paediatric acquired brain injury: a pilot Rasch analysis of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire
Engaging children and adolescents with acquired brain injury and their families in goal setting: the clinician perspective
Evaluation of an occupation-based metacognitive intervention targeting awareness, executive function and goal-related outcomes after traumatic brain injury using single-case experimental design methodology
Facilitating a return to productive roles following acquired brain injury: the impact of pre-injury work level, current abilities, and neuropsychological performance
Factors facilitating recovery following severe traumatic brain injury: a qualitative study
Factors predicting rehabilitation outcomes after severe acquired brain injury in trauma, stroke and anoxia populations: a cohort study
Implementation of an attention training programme with a sample of children who have sustained traumatic brain injuries in South Africa: a pilot study
Independent contributions of social cognition and depression to functional status after moderate or severe traumatic brain injury
Investigating cannabis use and associated symptoms among university students with and without a history of concussion
Measuring outcomes of a peer-led social communication skills intervention for adults with acquired brain injury: a pilot investigation
Men's gendered experiences of rehabilitation and recovery following traumatic brain injury: a reflexive thematic analysis
Similarities and differences between bereaved parents and parents of a person with a very severe brain injury: what can we do to help?
Supporting children and young people with an acquired brain injury (ABI) and their siblings: the experience of a camp for families with a child with an ABI
Surviving the "silent epidemic": a qualitative exploration of the long-term journey after traumatic brain injury
The association between dual-task walking and counting responses and cognitive function and disability after severe head injury: a preliminary study
User experiences and perspectives of a driving simulator intervention for individuals with acquired brain injury: a qualitative study