A pilot randomized trial of self-compassion writing for young adult women engaged in emotional eating in the context of appearance-related cyberbullying
Are child maltreatment and intimate partner violence associated with adult disordered eating?
Association of hospitalization for suicide attempts in adolescent girls with subsequent hospitalization for eating disorders
Bias-based bullying, self-esteem, queer identity pride, and disordered eating behaviors among sexually and gender diverse adolescents
Breaking the cycle: identifying key symptom pathways of eating disorders and the influence of childhood maltreatment
Childhood trauma and outcome trajectories in patients with longstanding eating disorders across 17 years
Comparing self-harming intentions underlying eating disordered behaviors and nonsuicidal self-injury: replication and extension in adolescents
Erratum to "Co-occurrence of nonsuicidal self-injury and eating disorder pathology in adolescents"
Feasibility and acceptability of a hospital-at-home program for adolescents with eating disorders: making progress in community/family-based treatments
Non-suicidal self-injury among individuals with an eating disorder: a systematic review and prevalence meta-analysis
Non-suicidal self-injury, suicidal thoughts and behaviors in individuals with an eating disorder relative to healthy and psychiatric controls: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Risk of non-fatal self-harm and premature mortality in the three years following hospitalization in adolescents and young adults with an eating disorder: a nationwide population-based study
Risk of self-harm in patients with eating disorders: English population-based national record-linkage study, 1999-2021