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Science of the total environment

Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 30

A European-scale analysis reveals the complex roles of anthropogenic and climatic factors in driving the initiation of large wildfires

A glacial lake outburst floods hazard assessment in the Patagonian Andes combining inventory data and case-studies

A knowledge-aware deep learning model for landslide susceptibility assessment in Hong Kong

Active landslide detection using integrated remote sensing technologies for a wide region and multiple stages: a case study in southwestern China

Application of quasi-empirical orthogonal functions to estimate wildfire impacts in northwestern Spain

Association between ambient temperature and mammalian-related injuries in Guangzhou, China, 2014-2019

Biogeochemical conditions controlling the intensity of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) outbreak caused by Alexandrium blooms: results from 6-year field observations in Jinhae-Masan Bay, Korea

Climate change as a veiled driver of migration in Bangladesh and Ghana

Comparative evaluation of soundscapes in human activities spatial contexts of pedestrian spaces adjacent to arterial roads

Corrigendum to "Risk assessment of chemical release accident triggered by landslide using Bayesian network" [Sci. Total Environ. 890 (2023) 164321 (10 September)]

Evaluating the efficacy of targeted traffic management interventions: a novel methodology for determining the composition of particulate matter in urban air pollution hotspots

Evaluation of spatial and temporal changes in illicit drug use in the Taipei metropolitan area via wastewater-based epidemiology

Factors affecting severity of wildfires in Scottish heathlands and blanket bogs

Gender disparities in summer outdoor heat risk across China: findings from a national county-level assessment during 1991-2020

Global pattern of forest disturbances and its shift under climate change

Heat stroke-induced cerebral cortex nerve injury by mitochondrial dysfunction: a comprehensive multi-omics profiling analysis

Landslide dynamic susceptibility mapping in urban expansion area considering spatiotemporal land use and land cover change

Municipal pipeline networks as preferential vapor intrusion pathways: a review

Next-gen regional fire risk mapping: integrating hyperspectral imagery and National Forest Inventory data to identify hot-spot wildland-urban interfaces

Novel approach to the derivation of dam breach parameters in 2D hydrodynamic modeling of earthquake induced dam failures

Prioritising urban heat island mitigation intervention: mapping a heat risk index

Quantifying the resistance of mixed-forests against natural hazards in the Pyrenees

Shifting from traditional landslide occurrence modeling to scenario estimation with a "glass-box" machine learning

Speed limits and their effect on air pollution in Mexico City: a quasi-experimental study

Synoptic weather patterns during fire spread events in Siberia

Synoptic-scale drivers of fire weather in Greece

The firestorm within: a narrative review of extreme heat and wildfire smoke effects on brain health

The health benefits of reducing micro-heat islands: a 22-year analysis of the impact of urban temperature reduction on heat-related illnesses in California's major cities

The role of large reservoirs in drought and flood disaster risk mitigation: a case of the Yellow River Basin

Understanding the spatial disparity in socio-economic recovery of coastal communities following typhoon disasters