A combined stability function to quantify flood risks to pedestrians and vehicle occupants
Active governance of agro-pastoral, forest and protected areas mitigates wildfire impacts in Italy
Advancing the community health vulnerability index for wildland fire smoke exposure
Aeolian disaster risk evaluation in the African Sahel
Air quality in the car: how CO(2) and body odor affect drivers' cognition and driving performance?
Animal conflicts escalate in a warmer world
California's early transition to electric vehicles: observed health and air quality co-benefits
Cascading disasters and mental health: the February 2021 winter storm and power crisis in Texas, USA
Climate predicts wildland fire extent across China
Comparison of two 2-D numerical models for snow avalanche simulation
Critical fire weather conditions during active fire spread days in Canada
Development of an analytical permeable pavement model for vehicular access areas
Direct measurement of brake and tire wear particles based on real-world driving conditions
Environmental risk of oil pipeline accidents
Global distribution, trends and types of active fire occurrences
Influence of local scale and oceanic teleconnections on regional fire danger and wildfire trends
Integrated wildfire danger models and factors: a review
Mental health impacts of environmental exposures: a scoping review of evaluative instruments
Reclassifying historical disasters: from single to multi-hazards
Risk assessment of chemical release accident triggered by landslide using Bayesian network
The association of heatwave with drowning mortality in five provinces of China