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Clinical toxicology (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 33

Acute exposure to hydrazine reported to four United States regional poison centers: reconsidering a paradigm

Assessing the impact of a new medical toxicology service on the treatment of paracetamol overdose at a large tertiary care hospital

Clinical effects of occupational clonidine poisoning and efficacy of extracorporeal blood purification therapies

Clinical outcomes associated with orphenadrine deliberate self-poisoning: a retrospective poisons centre study

Clinical toxicology of acute glyphosate self-poisoning: impact of plasma concentrations of glyphosate, its metabolite and polyethoxylated tallow amine surfactants on the toxicity

Death of Socrates: a likely case of poison hemlock (Conium maculatum) poisoning

Delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol, delta-10 tetrahydrocannabinol, and tetrahydrocannabinol-O acetate exposures reported to America's poison centers

Evaluation of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis definition of major bleeding in Arizona rattlesnake bites

Exposure to ammonia solution due to substance use: a retrospective study from the French poison centres database (2009-2018)

Fasciotomy following North American pit viper envenomation in Texas 2004-2021

Fifty years of paracetamol (acetaminophen) poisoning: the development of risk assessment and treatment 1973-2023 with particular focus on contributions published from Edinburgh and Denver

Fomepizole use reported to United States Poison Centers from 2010 to 2021

Hexahydrocannabinol poisoning reported to French poison centres

Impact of social media "challenges" on poison center case volume for intentional ingestions among school-aged children: an observational study

Increasing severity of medical outcomes and associated substances in cases reported to United States poison centers

Investigating skeletal muscle biomarkers for the early detection of Australian myotoxic snake envenoming: an animal model pilot study

Laboratory features in acute paediatric poisoning with liquid laundry detergent capsules: a seven-year retrospective study in Romania

Methanol poisonings from contaminated hand sanitizers identified by the United States Food and Drug Administration [letter]

Paramao root oil: a novel culprit in salicylate poisoning

Peri-mortem rigidity in a fatal case of severe salicylate poisoning

Physostigmine reversal of delirium from second generation antipsychotic exposure: a retrospective cohort study from a regional poison center

Public health risk due to contamination of Solanum nigrum in frozen green beans - collaboration effort between a poison centre, a hospital and health authorities

Risk of lung diseases in patients with previous carbon monoxide poisoning: a nationwide population-based cohort study in the Republic of Korea

Self-medication cases reported to a poison information center in Brazil from 2014 to 2020

Serial repetitive nerve stimulation studies in organophosphorus poisoning indicate two distinct pathophysiological processes occur at the neuromuscular junction in the intermediate syndrome

Severe morel mushroom poisonings in France - a nationwide French poison centres study 2010-2020

Significant increase in the number of occupational exposures reported to the Dutch Poisons Information Centre (2016-2022): the importance of poison centre data in health surveillance

Successful delivery following acute maternal diquat poisoning

The critical time period for administering antivenom: golden hours and missed opportunities

The psychedelic call: analysis of Australian Poisons Information Centre calls associated with classic psychedelics

The Tanta University risk model could help identify patients with acute poisoning who would require intensive care unit level of care

Tralopyril poisoning due to respiratory exposure

Use of large language models to optimize poison center charting