Accidental poisoning with autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale): a case series
Acetaminophen poisoning: reclaiming the definition of recovery
Australian snakebite myotoxicity (ASP-23)
Beverage ethanol exposures among infants reported to United States poison control centers
Blood concentrations of synthetic cannabinoids
Blood phosphatidyl ethanol levels as a tool to detect alcohol misuse in trauma patients
Buproprion associated seizures following acute overdose: who develops late seizures
Cannabis and synthetic cannabinoid poison control center cases among adults aged 50+, 2009-2019
Carbon monoxide detector effectiveness in reducing poisoning, Wisconsin 2014-2016
Characteristics and circumstances of death related to gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
Comment on "Pediatric guanfacine exposures reported to the National Poison Data System, 2000-2016"
Comparison between carbon monoxide poisoning from hookah smoking versus other sources
Current fatality rate of suspected cyclopeptide mushroom poisoning in the United States
Did poisoning play a role in Napoleon's death? A systematic review
Failure of a Mexican antivenom on recovery from snakebite-related coagulopathy in French Guiana
Fatal abrin poisoning by injection
Helium inhalation injuries managed at emergency departments
Hepatotoxicity in a child following an accidental overdose of liquid paracetamol
Impact of product safety changes on accidental exposures to liquid laundry packets in children
Lead poisoning due to incense burning: an outbreak in a family
Legal aspects of information sharing and communication by poison centers in the United States
Life-threatening triclopyr poisoning due to diethylene glycol monoethyl ether solvent
Near-fatal poisoning after ricin injection
Organophosphate induced delayed neuropathy after an acute cholinergic crisis in self-poisoning
Outcomes of acute exploratory pediatric lithium ingestions
Pediatric cannabis poisonings in France: more and more frequent and severe
Pediatric ingestions with gummy formulated medications: a retrospective study
Poisoning of glutaraldehyde-containing products: clinical characteristics and outcomes
Risk of toxicity from pediatric topical salicylate ingestions
Serotonin toxicity from isolated bupropion overdoses
Sweet poison: seizures in two patients with Coriaria intermedia poisoning
Synthetic cannabis: adverse events reported to the New Zealand Pharmacovigilance Centre
The effect of myocardial injury on the clinical course of snake envenomation in South Korea
The seasonality of suicide attempts: a single poison control center perspective
Trends and characteristics in barbiturate deaths Australia 2000-2019: a national retrospective study