A systematic review of the relationship between child sexual abuse and substance use issues
Attention problems and comorbid symptoms following child sexual abuse
Child sexual abuse and the moralization of purity
Child sexual abuse myth scale: validity and reliability evidence in the Portuguese context
Child sexual abuse: the need for a perpetration prevention focus
Considerations of dissociation, betrayal trauma, and complex trauma in the treatment of incest
Efficacy of a sexual abuse prevention program with children on an Indian reservation
Group intervention with parents of juvenile sex offenders
How do childhood and parental anxiety features affect the consequences of child sexual abuse?
Media framing of Larry Nassar and the USA Gymnastics child sex abuse scandal
Possible factors supporting cross-agency collaboration in child abuse cases: a scoping review
Preventing child sexual abuse using picture books: the effect of book character and message framing
The "Who Do You Tell?"™ child sexual abuse education program: eight years of monitoring
The lived experiences of non-offending fathers with children who survived sexual abuse
The sexual abuse and neglect of "left-behind" children in rural China
Traumatic childhood experiences and psychiatric outcomes of adolescent mothers in Turkey
Validation of the sexual grooming model of child sexual abusers
Young people's perceptions of sexual assault in residential care: "It does happen a lot"