Consuming oral cannabidiol prior to a standard alcohol dose has minimal effect on breath alcohol level and subjective effects of alcohol
Does alcohol automatically capture drinkers' attention? Exploration through an eye-tracking saccadic choice task
Effects of testosterone enanthate on aggression, risk-taking, competition, mood, and other cognitive domains during 28 days of severe energy deprivation
Heroin use and neuropsychological impairments: comparison of intravenous and inhalational use
Preliminary study of the interactive effects of THC and ethanol on self-reported ability and simulated driving, subjective effects, and cardiovascular responses
Serotonin transporter availability in physically aggressive personality disordered patients: associations with trait and state aggression, and response to fluoxetine
Subjective response to alcohol in young adults with bipolar disorder and recent alcohol use: a within-subject randomized placebo-controlled alcohol administration study