Addressing the human toll from motor vehicle traffic crashes
Bayesian hierarchical statistics for traffic safety modelling and forecasting
Bold actions needed to improve civil registration data for road traffic deaths
Dealing with existing theory: national fatality rates, vehicle standards and personal safety
Driver education: how effective?
Effects of driver sleepiness and fatigue on violations among truck drivers in India
Gender differences in cyclists' crashes: an analysis of routinely recorded crash data
Helmet use among motorcycle accident victims in the north-east region of Jamaica
Investigation of pedestrian crashes using multiple correspondence analysis in India
Occupational injury burden among gold miners in Ghana
Opportunities to reduce road traffic injury: new insights from the study of urban areas
Prevalence of mortality in cannabis consumer motorcyclists: meta-analysis of international studies
Preventing motor vehicle crash injuries and deaths: science vs. folklore lessons from history
Risk factors for falls in Iranian older adults: a case-control study
Studying the effect of interventions in injury research: experimental design options
Unintentional injury deaths in adult Finnish population: nationwide statistics between 1971 and 2016
Using statistical modelling to analyze risk factors for severe and fatal road traffic accidents
What can we learn from the historic road safety performance of high-income countries?