'Promoting and preserving safety and a life-oriented perspective': a qualitative study of nurses' interactions with patients experiencing suicidal ideation
'There is no progression in prevention' - the experiences of mental health nurses working with repeated self-harm
Disclosure of confidential information by mental health nurses, of patients they assess to be a risk of harm to self or others: an integrative review
Evaluating the impact of an electronic application of the Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression with an embedded Aggression Prevention Protocol on aggression and restrictive interventions on a forensic mental health unit
Modifiable factors affecting inpatient violence in an acute child and adolescent psychiatric unit: a 16-year retrospective study
Prevalence of burnout in mental health nurses and related factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis
PROTECT: relational safety based suicide prevention training frameworks
Smoking-related violence in a mental health setting following the implementation of a comprehensive smoke-free policy: a content analysis of incident reports
The effectiveness of chemical restraint in managing acute agitation and aggression: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
The role of interpersonal style in aggression and its containment in a forensic mental health setting: A correlational and pseudoprospective study of patients and nursing staff
The validity and utility of violence risk assessment tools to predict patient violence in acute care settings: an integrative literature review
Thinking differently: re-framing family violence responsiveness in the mental health and addictions health care context