A personal model of Trumpery: linguistic deception detection in a real-world high-stakes setting
Against empathy bias: the moral value of equitable empathy
Alertness training increases visual processing speed in healthy older adults
Are sex differences in human brain structure associated with sex differences in behavior?
Experiencing a natural disaster temporarily boosts relationship satisfaction in newlywed couples
Feelings of culpability: just following orders versus making the decision oneself
Harsh but expedient: dominant leaders increase group cooperation via threat of punishment
Mental logout: behavioral and neural correlates of regulating temptations to use social media
Misogynistic tweets correlate with violence against women
Psychometric curves reveal three mechanisms of vigilance decrement
Sex, drugs, and genes: illuminating the moral condemnation of recreational drugs
The crowd-emotion-amplification effect
The long-term effects of new evidence on implicit impressions of other people
Twin differences in harsh parenting predict youth's antisocial behavior