Association between irritability and suicidal ideation in three clinical trials of adults with major depressive disorder
Childhood maltreatment and cognitive functioning: the role of depression, parental education, and polygenic predisposition
Cortical astrocytes regulate ethanol consumption and intoxication in mice
Distinct cortical thickness correlates of early life trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder are shared among adolescent and adult females with interpersonal violence exposure
Impact of ADCYAP1R1 genotype on longitudinal fear conditioning in children: interaction with trauma and sex
Integration of brain and behavior measures for identification of data-driven groups cutting across children with ASD, ADHD, or OCD
Memory biases in alcohol use disorder: enhanced memory for contexts associated with alcohol prospectively predicts alcohol use outcomes
Polygenic prediction and GWAS of depression, PTSD, and suicidal ideation/self-harm in a Peruvian cohort
Structural-functional decoupling predicts suicide attempts in bipolar disorder patients with a current major depressive episode