Carbon monoxide exposures reported to the UK National Poisons Information Service: a 4-year study
Conversing a degree of care: an attempt to lessen suicide rate in time of the pandemic
COVID-19 and suicide: when crises collide
Gender inequality is associated with gender differences and women participation in physical activity
Perspectives re-legalizing cannabis for medical use in the USA
Reductions in mortality resulting from COVID-19 quarantine measures in China
Sexual consent norms in a cross-sectional national sample of the UK
Suicidal behaviours among deaf adolescents in Ghana: a cross-sectional study
Suicidal ideation in the perinatal period: findings from the Thailand-Myanmar border
Suicide and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan
Suicide prevention through means restriction: the example of firearms control in Croatia
The impact of firearm legislation on firearm deaths, 1991-2017