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Journal of public health (Oxford)

Year: 2020
Articles in SafetyLit: 16

A qualitative exploration of 14 to 17-year old adolescents' views of early and preventative mental health support in schools

Are children who are home from school at an increased risk of child maltreatment?

Existential hope and humanism in COVID-19 suicide interventions

Formulation of national suicide prevention strategy of Bangladesh: the readiness assessment

History of injury in a developing country: a scoping review of injury literature in Lebanon

Media and suicide prevention in Southeast Asia: challenges and directions

Not all world leaders use Twitter in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: impact of the way of Angela Merkel on psychological distress, behaviour and risk perception

Prevalence of suicidal ideation, plan, attempts and its associated factors in selected rural and urban areas of Puducherry, India

Quality of media reporting following a celebrity suicide in India

Raising ethnicity recording in NHS Lothian from 3% to 90% in 3 years: processes and analysis of data from accidents and emergencies

Should domestic violence be or not a public crime?

The association between alcohol consumption and self-reported current depression among adults residing in Brazil

The impact of life events on later life: a latent class analysis of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing

The Salisbury Poisonings: a tale of public health and ordinary heroism

Variations in newspaper reporting of suicidal behavior in the WHO-South-East Asian region

When to end the continuing violence against physicians in China