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L'Encephale (1974)

Year: 2021
Articles in SafetyLit: 15

A possible link between air pollution and suicide?

Effects at 3 months of a large-scale simulation-based training for first year medical residents on the knowledge of suicide

French validation of the Acceptance of Modern Myths about Sexual Aggression scale (AMMSA) and experience of close relationships with students and perpetrators of domestic violence

Individual and contextual factors associated with violent behaviours during psychiatric hospitalizations

Involuntary admission to psychiatry at the request of caregivers: the point of view of caregivers

Is the use of patient records necessary to assess the risk of sexual, violent and general recidivism?

Ordalie, sensation-seeking and impulsivity. Critical analysis of definitions

Posttraumatic growth in survivors of intimate partner violence: a French pilot study

Prevalence and impact of patient suicide in psychiatrists: results from a national French web-based survey

Qualitative study of parents' experience after their teen's suicide attempt

Suicidal behavior sociocultural factors in developing countries during COVID-19

Suicidal behaviors in bipolar disorder type 1

Suicidality in the perinatal period: Descriptive study on factors associated with suicidal ideation among women hospitalized in the perinatal period at the specialized hospital center

The manifestation of emotional distress: correlations between self-compassion and self-mutilation in Brazilian women with disordered eating behavior

Towards better management for sexual offenders: presentation and conclusions of a public hearing concerning prevention, assessment, and care