Chronic pain patients' willingness to share personal identifiers on the web for the linkage of medico-administrative claims and patient-reported data: the COPE Cohort
Evolution of medication consumption in a working environment in France: results of the 4 waves of the " Drugs and Work " study (1986-2016)
Factors associated with the use of the Prescription Monitoring Program by prescribers and pharmacists in Texas
Linkage of public health and all payer claims data for population-level opioid research
Prevalence and distribution of high-risk prescription opioid use in the United States, 2011-2016
Trends in fall-related mortality and fall risk increasing drugs among older individuals in the United States,1999-2017
US emergency department visits for acute harms from over-the-counter cough and cold medications, 2017-2019
Use of antidepressants and risk of repeat self-harm in older adults 75+ with non-fatal self-harm: a one-year prospective national study
Utilization of drugs with reports on potential efficacy or harm on COVID-19 before, during, and after the first pandemic wave