Alcohol use prior to episodes of nonsuicidal self-injury in women with borderline personality disorder participating in a randomized clinical trial of dialectical behavior therapy
An experimental investigation into the effect of negative affect on the behavioral economic demand for alcohol
Associations between day-level affect profiles and same-day substance use among young adults
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is associated with more alcohol problems and less substance-free reinforcement: a behavioral economics daily diary study of college student drinkers
Daily associations between resilience factors, substance use, and affect among sexual minority youth
Development and validation of the Perceived Approval of Risky Drinking Inventory in undergraduate students
Food and alcohol disturbance, alcohol use, and negative consequences among college students engaging in binge drinking: a longitudinal examination of between- and within-person effects
Genetic risk for trait aggression and alcohol use predict unique facets of alcohol-related aggression
Joint trajectories of bullying victimization and sexual harassment victimization as predictors of adolescent alcohol use
Subjective intoxication predicts alcohol-related consequences at equivalent alcohol concentrations in young adults using ecological momentary assessment and alcohol sensors
The role of perceived parent drinking motives on alcohol use among adolescents with and without childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Treatment of substance use disorders in adolescence and early school leaving