A longitudinal investigation of racial discrimination, drinking to cope, and alcohol-related problems among underage Asian American college students
A systematic scoping review of research on Black participants in the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network
Are college students' perceptions of social network drinking accurate? Examining the validity of the important people instrument
Early substance use in the pathway from childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to young adult substance use: Evidence of statistical mediation and substance specificity
Examining drinking game harms as a function of gender and college student status
Examining the ecological validity of the prototype willingness model for adolescent and young adult alcohol use
Relationships between generalized impulsivity and subjective stimulant and sedative responses following alcohol administration
Swiping right: alcohol, online dating, and sexual hookups in postcollege women
Temporal precedence of self-regulation over depression and alcohol problems: support for a model of self-regulatory failure
The effect of SMS behavior change techniques on event-level desire to get drunk in young adults
Within-person variability in sensation-seeking during daily life: positive associations with alcohol use and self-defined risky behaviors