Accidental and abusive mandible fractures in infants and toddlers
Are pediatric trauma transfers justified?: a unique viewpoint from a transferring institution
Blast lung injury in children: injury patterns and associated organ injuries
Clinical significance of pneumocephalus in pediatric mild traumatic brain injury
Drowning in children and predictive parameters: a 15-year multicenter retrospective analysis
Emergency department usage patterns among pediatric victims of gun violence and physical assault
Frontline medical professionals' ability to recognize and respond to suspected youth sex trafficking
Interactions with police in the emergency care of children: ethical and legal considerations
Mechanism of injury and age predict operative intervention in pediatric perineal injury
Nonaccidental pediatric trauma; which traditional clues predict abuse?
Ocular trauma in children: an epidemiological study
Pediatric dance-related injuries treated in emergency departments in the United States, 2000-2020
Reply to Melville Re: Short falls occasionally cause major brain injuries
The epidemiology of pediatric basketball injuries presenting to US emergency departments: 2011-2020
The impact of an emergency department bruising pathway on disparities in child abuse evaluation
Which trauma severity scores are useful in predicting pediatric mortality?