Allowing nondisclosure in surveys with suicide content: characteristics of nondisclosure in a national survey of emergency services personnel
Assessing protective factors in treated violent offenders: associations with recidivism reduction and positive community outcomes
Clinical utility of suicide behavior and ideation measures: implications for military suicide risk assessment
Construct validity of youth psychopathic traits as assessed by the Antisocial Process Screening Device
Development and initial validation of scales to assess Decisional Balance (NSSI-DB), Processes of Change (NSSI-POC), and Self-Efficacy (NSSI-SE) in a population of young adults engaging in nonsuicidal self-injury
Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Revenge Attitudes Inventory-21
First-person stimuli: improving the validity of stimuli in studies of suicide and related behaviors
Military Suicide Research Consortium common data elements: bifactor analysis and longitudinal predictive ability of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts within a clinical sample
Open to interpretation? Inconsistent reporting of lifetime nonsuicidal self-injury across two common assessments
Optimal assessment of protective behavioral strategies among college drinkers: an item response theory analysis
Predictive validity of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY) with Indigenous and Caucasian female and male adolescents on probation
Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors Interview-Revised: development, reliability, and validity
The Anticipated Effects of Cannabis Scale (AECS): initial development and validation of an affect- and valence-based expectancy measure
The structure of aggression in conflict-prone couples: validation of a measure of the Forms and Functions of Intimate Partner Aggression (FFIPA)