A novel testing device to assess the effect of neck strength on risk of concussion
An improved method for developing injury risk curves using the Brier Metric Score
Brain strain: computational model-based metrics for head impact exposure and injury correlation
Cerebrovascular reactivity in special operations forces combat soldiers
Characterization of concussive events in professional American football using videogrammetry
Comparison of laboratory and on-field performance of American football helmets
Equestrian helmet standards: do they represent real-world accident conditions?
Finite element model of a deformable American football helmet under impact
Head impact burden differs between seasons in youth and high school US football players
Head impact sensor studies in sports: a systematic review of exposure confirmation methods
Impact mitigation properties of women's lacrosse headgear
Is there an optimal recovery step landing zone against slip-induced backward falls during walking?
Laboratory reconstructions of concussive helmet-to-helmet impacts in the National Football League
Occupant restraint in far-side impacts: cadaveric and WorldSID responses to a far-side airbag
On-field performance of an instrumented mouthguard for detecting head impacts in American football
Portable device for the measurement and assessment of the human equilibrium
Quantifying youth football helmet performance: assessing linear and rotational head acceleration
Special issue on concussion biomechanics in football
Validating tackle mechanics in American football: improving safety and performance