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Journal of neurotrauma

Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 35

A four country study of strangulation-related alterations in consciousness in women who have experienced intimate partner violence: co-occurrence with traumatic brain injuries and measures of psychological distress

A systematic review of reported outcomes in randomized controlled trials targeting early interventions in moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury

An investigation of mTBI home cage behavior: the home cage assay advantages

Association between early external ventricular drain insertion and functional outcomes six-months following moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury

Biofluid, imaging, physiological and functional biomarkers of mild traumatic brain injury and subconcussive head impacts

Cause of concussion with persisting symptoms is associated with long-term recovery and symptom type, duration, and number in a longitudinal cohort of 600 patients

Characteristics and neural mechanisms of sleep-wake disturbances after traumatic brain injury

Detecting and predicting cognitive decline in individuals with traumatic brain injury: a longitudinal telephone-based study

Discovery of alpha-1-antichymotrypsin as a marker of delayed recovery from concussion in children

Editorial: Rigor and reproducibility in prediction of post-concussion symptoms

Effects of concomitant traumatic spinal cord and brain injury on in-hospital mortality: a retrospective analysis of a nationwide trauma registry in Japan

Efficacy of interventions to improve cognitive function in adults with spinal cord injury: a systematic review

Emergency department risk factors for post-concussion syndrome after mild traumatic brain injury: a systematic review

Evaluating recovery after two and three repeated concussions using growth curves

External validation of the post-concussion symptoms (PoCS) rule for predicting mild traumatic brain injury outcome

Identification and connectomic profiling of concussion using Bayesian machine learning

Impact of sex and pubertal development on anxiety in adolescents following concussion

Injuries in fatalities of dismounted blast: identification of four mechanisms of head and spine injury

Intimate partner violence-related brain injury: unmasking and addressing the gaps

Is pre-injury socioeconomic status associated with outcomes in patients with traumatic brain injury? A systematic review

Longitudinal brain perfusion and symptom presentation following pediatric concussion: a PedCARE+MRI substudy

Mortality among veterans following traumatic brain injury: a VA Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems study

Psychological predictors of mental health difficulties after pediatric concussion

Recovery after sport-related concussion in collegiate athletes with self-reported pre-injury migraines

Shaking up our approach: the need for characterization and optimization of preclinical models of infant abusive head trauma

Shifting trends in the epidemiology of Cervical Spine Injuries: an analysis of 11,822 patients from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS) over two decades

Sleep after concussion: a scoping review of sensor technologies

Sleep disturbance during post-traumatic amnesia and early recovery following traumatic brain injury

Social determinants of health and health equity in the treatment and rehabilitation of sport-related concussion: a content analysis of intervention research and call-to-action

The association between social determinants of health and traumatic brain injury: a scoping review

The Australian Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative: systematic review of the effect of acute interventions on outcome for people with moderate-severe traumatic brain injury

The impact of non-pain factors on pain interference among U.S. service members and veterans with symptoms of mild traumatic brain injury

The injury progression in acute blast-induced mTBI in rats reflected by DTI and immunohistochemical examination

Trajectories of recovery following traumatic brain injury among older Medicare beneficiaries

Women report worse neurobehavioral symptoms than men following mild traumatic brain injury in U.S. military service members