A longitudinal study of white matter functional network in mild traumatic brain injury
Afferent visual manifestations of traumatic brain injury
Association of prior concussion with hippocampal volume and symptoms in collegiate-aged athletes
Brain MRI volumetric measures of functional outcome after severe TBI in adolescents
Children with ADHD have a greater lifetime history of concussion: results from the ABCD study
Concussion and risk of chronic medical and behavioral health comorbidities
Concussion risk and resilience: relationship with pre-injury salience network connectivity
Demographic-dependent risk of developing severe novel psychiatric disorders following concussion
Developing insights for possible and probable acute concussions using cluster analysis
Diagnosing level of consciousness: the limits of the Glasgow Coma Scale total score
Epidemiology of chronic effects of traumatic brain injury
Evaluation of tissue-level brain injury metrics using species-specific simulations
Inhalational gases for neuroprotection in traumatic brain injury
Long-term psychiatric outcomes in adults with history of pediatric traumatic brain injury
Molecular and DTI biomarkers of traumatic brain injury: principles for investigation and integration
Phenotyping the spectrum of traumatic brain injury: a review and pathway to standardization
Population-level epidemiology of concussion concurrent with domestic violence in Arizona, USA
The living guidelines for the diagnosis and management of adult and pediatric concussion [letter]
Theory of mind after pediatric traumatic brain injury: a scoping review
Tractography-pathology correlations in traumatic brain injury: a TRACK-TBI Study
Traumatic brain injury: what is a favorable outcome?
Verbal episodic memory alterations and hippocampal atrophy in acute mild traumatic brain injury