Can you teach me not to be angry? Relations between temperament and the emotion regulation strategy distraction in 2-year-olds
Corporal punishment and elevated neural response to threat in children
Effects of implementing multiple components in a school-wide antibullying program: a randomized controlled trial in elementary schools
Infant exuberant object play at home: immense amounts of time-distributed, variable practice
Latent classes of aggression and peer victimization: measurement invariance and differential item functioning across sex, race-ethnicity, cohort, and study site
Links between justice sensitivity and moral reasoning, moral emotions, and moral identity in middle childhood
Parental structuring in response to toddler negative emotion predicts children's later use of distraction as a self-regulation strategy for waiting
Profiles of childhood maltreatment: associations with sexual risk behavior during adolescence in a sample of racial/ethnic minority girls
Teacher depressive symptoms and child math achievement in head start: the roles of family-teacher relationships and approaches to learning
The effect of spanking on early social-emotional skills
Um compasso para aprender: a randomized trial of a social-emotional learning program in homicide-affected communities in Brazil
Why are children so distractible? Development of attention and motor control from childhood to adulthood