A longitudinal study on stability and transitions among bullying roles
Associations between perceived material deprivation, parents' discipline practices, and children's behavior problems: an international perspective
Can't ignore-distraction by task-irrelevant sounds in early and middle childhood
Countering youth's negative stereotypes of teens fosters constructive behavior
Developmental trajectories of Chinese adolescents' relational aggression: associations with changes in social-psychological adjustment
Dissecting "peer presence" and "decisions" to deepen understanding of peer influence on adolescent risky choice
Intrapersonal emotion regulation processes influence what children remember about their emotional experiences
Maternal depressive symptoms during the pre- and postnatal periods and infant attention to emotional faces
Reciprocal relations between parental problem drinking and children's sleep: the role of socioeconomic adversity
Self-reported moral emotions and physical and relational aggression in early childhood: a social domain approach
The relation between callous-unemotional traits, psychosocial maturity, and delinquent behavior among justice-involved youth