A characterization of pre- to post-immigration alcohol use among recent Latino immigrants to the United States before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Associations of parent-adolescent closeness with P3 amplitude, frontal theta, and binge drinking among offspring with high risk for alcohol use disorder
Blunted neural reward response to alcohol and greater alcohol motivation in binge drinkers in a randomized clinical experiment
Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analyses of a web-based computer-tailored intervention for prevention of binge drinking among Spanish adolescents
Daily impulsivity and alcohol expectancies: a multilevel examination of the acquired preparedness model
Development and validation of the alcohol-related content poster prototype scale: exploring the impact of social media prototypes on college students' drinking
Development and validation of the C-SHADE Scale for measuring perpetration of common sexually harassing and aggressive behaviors in drinking environments
Effective alcohol policies are associated with reduced consumption among demographic groups who drink heavily
Fat-free mass accounts for most of the variance in alcohol elimination rate in women
Goal commitment and goal confidence mediate the path between desire to get drunk and binge drinking among young adults receiving text message goal-related feedback
Longitudinal examination of high-risk drinking contexts: daytime drinking, pregaming, and drinking games linked to high-risk alcohol use and negative consequences in young adults
Measures of self-reported identity associated with sex and gender: relations with collegiate drinking
Multilevel longitudinal relations among impulsive traits, positive expectancies, and binge drinking from late adolescence to adulthood: a developmental test of acquired preparedness
Parental divorce, discord, and polygenic risk on children's alcohol initiation and lifetime risk for disorder
Sex differences in relation between military sexual trauma and risk for alcohol misuse among U.S. Army Reserve and National Guard soldiers
The characteristics and treatment outcomes of people with very late onset of problem drinking
The role of culture in the association between racial discrimination and alcohol use among North American Indigenous adolescents reporting recent drinking
The role of effortful control in mitigating negative consequences associated with emerging adult drinking
Trends in alcohol-impaired crashes in California, 2016 to 2021: a time series analysis for alcohol involvement and crash distribution among demographic subgroups