Alcohol and falls among people with HIV infection: a view from Russia and the United States
Alcohol use trajectories among U.S. adults during the first 42 weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic
Assaultive trauma, alcohol use, and alcohol-related consequences among American Indian adolescents
Associations of delay discounting and drinking trajectories from ages 14 to 22
Changes in alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic and previous pandemics: a systematic review
Daily diary study of loneliness, alcohol, and drug use during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Development of the Motivational Thought Frequency Scale for alcohol abstinence (MTF-A)
Does state repeal of alcohol exclusion laws increase problem drinking?
Indirect effects of personality on high-intensity drinking: the role of drinking motives
Is it time to rethink low-risk drinking guidelines?
Maturing out of alcohol and cannabis co-use: a test of patterns and personality predictors
Neighborhood market potentials for alcohol use and rates of child abuse and neglect
Place of last drink enforcement: effects on alcohol-related traffic crashes
Prepartying and incapacitated rape: is drinking a risk factor or an outcome?
Prevalence and correlates of alcohol-induced blackout in a diverse sample of Veterans
Reciprocal associations between implicit attitudes and drinking in emerging adulthood