A seat at the table: centering the voices of gun violence survivors
A survivor-derived approach to addressing trafficking in the pediatric ED
Abusive head trauma in day care centers
Abusive head trauma in infants and children
Addressing national workforce shortages by funding child psychiatry access programs
Adverse childhood experiences and justice system contact: a systematic review
An antiracist framework for racial and ethnic health disparities research
Applying behavioral economics to enhance safe firearm storage
Behavior problems during early childhood in children with prenatal methamphetamine exposure
Benzodiazepine treatment and fracture risk in young persons with anxiety disorders
Can a parent refuse the brain death examination?
Child care attendance and educational and economic outcomes in adulthood
Childhood adversity and health after physical abuse
Childhood sexual abuse: a call to action in pediatric primary care
Children exposed to maltreatment: assessment and the role of psychotropic medication
Children's mental health emergency department visits: 2007-2016
Clinically significant drug-drug interaction between methadone and cannabidiol
Community-informed peer support for parents of gender-diverse youth
Competency of future pediatricians caring for children with behavioral and mental health problems
Complete heart block secondary to flecainide toxicity: is it time for CYP2D6 genotype testing?
CoViD-19 and youth impacted by juvenile and adult criminal justice systems
COVID-19 racism and mental health in Chinese American families
Diagnosis, management, and treatment of female genital mutilation or cutting in girls
Distracted driving laws and motor vehicle crash fatalities
Early childhood factors associated with peer victimization trajectories from 6 to 17 years of age
Early physical abuse and adult outcomes
Effects of peer victimization on child and adolescent physical health
Employing an adaptive leadership framework to childhood adversity screening
Epidemiological profile of health and behaviors in middle childhood
Exploring early childhood factors as an avenue to address chronic peer victimization
For victims of fatal child abuse, who has the right to consent to organ donation?
Group sessions or home visits for early childhood development in India: a cluster RCT
High-quality child care as an effective antipoverty strategy: emerging evidence from Canada
Increased risk for family violence during the COVID-19 pandemic
Increasing access to mental health services through reduction of stigma
Intimate partner violence, maternal and paternal parenting, and early child development
Long-term cognitive, psychological, and health outcomes associated with child abuse and neglect
Long-term puberty suppression for a nonbinary teenager
Longitudinal associations of 12th-grade binge drinking with risky driving and high-risk drinking
Mail-back envelopes for retrieval of opioids after pediatric surgery
Maternal depression in early childhood and developmental vulnerability at school entry
Maternal depression is a public health crisis: the time to act is now [Commentary]
Maternal drinking and child emotional and behavior problems
Medical use and misuse of prescription opioids in US 12th-grade youth: school-level correlates
Mental health problems and risk of suicidal ideation and attempts in adolescents
Mitigating armed conflict casualties in children
Opportunities to reduce distracted driving and adolescent driver motor vehicle crashes [Editorial]
Parent-child agreement on postconcussion symptoms in the acute postinjury period
Participation of children and adolescents in live crisis drills and exercises
Prebirth household challenges to predict adverse childhood experiences score by age 3
Prenatal antidepressant use and risk of adverse neonatal outcomes
Prescription Opioid Misuse and Risky Adolescent Behavior
Primary substance use prevention programs for children and youth: a systematic review
Promoting global early child development through play: two sustainable, effective models
Providing the evidence for managing depression in pregnancy
Pubertal suppression for transgender youth and risk of suicidal ideation
Racial and ethnic differences in emergency department pain management of children with fractures
Racial and ethnic disparities in firearm-related pediatric deaths related to legal intervention
Rising stimulant overdoses among young people in the United States
Runaway youth: caring for the nation's largest segment of missing children
Safe firearm storage: a call for research informed by firearm stakeholders
Sexual experiences of young transgender persons during and after gender-affirmative treatment
Sexual health programs for Latinx adolescents: a meta-analysis
Sexual orientation and suicide attempt disparities among US adolescents: 2009-2017
Suffering children and handcuffed doctors: US immigration policy and a call for advocacy
Suicidal ideation and behavior among sexual minority and heterosexual youth: 1995-2017
Suicide ideation and attempts in a pediatric emergency department before and during CoViD-19
Supporting intimate partner violence survivors and their children during the CoViD-19 pandemic
Suspected nonfatal drug-related overdoses among youth in the US: 2016-2019
The death of George Floyd: bending the arc of history towards justice for generations of children
The impact of gun violence on those already dying: perspectives from a palliative care physician
The pandemics of racism and CoViD-19: danger and opportunity
Timing of puberty suppression and surgical options for transgender youth
Toward a deeper understanding of gun violence
Trajectories of maternal postpartum depressive symptoms
Treatment of migrant children on the US southern border is torture
Trends in substance nonuse by high school seniors: 1975-2018
Understanding the role of intimate partner violence on child development in LMICs
Variation in car seat tolerance screen performance in newborn nurseries
Why are we not closing the gap in suicide disparities for sexual minority youth?