An intervention program for male juvenile offenders in Turkey: a pilot randomized trial
Ben Crewe on the bench? Bringing the dimensional pains of punishment into the courtroom
Children who offend in Turkey: the case of the Ankara Child Education Center
Everyday sadism as a predictor of rape myth acceptance and perception of harassment
Incarcerated women's perceptions of the role model prison officer as procedurally just
Information-led policing: non-profit organization's terrorist financing
Learning a lesson: spiritual attributions of sexual trauma and revictimization
Mental health conditions, substance use disorders, and jail readmission in four rural counties
Offence paralleling schema modes in institutional violence
Online delinquent behaviors of adolescents: parents as potential "influencers"?
Parental divorce and adolescent offending: a comparison between children of discordant siblings
Parole work in Canada: tensions in supervising people convicted of sex crimes
Post-traumatic stress disappointment: disappointment and its role in PTSD
Prediction of youth violence perpetration by parental nurturing over time
Prevalence of psychiatric disorders by demographics in jail populations
Prison adjustment among military veterans: the impact of traumatic events, service history, and PTSD
Reexploring female pathways to incarceration: assessing the role of mental illness
Residential instability and suicidal ideation among persons on parole
Spiritual victimology: basic principles
Strengths and weaknesses of inviting men to a voluntary-based domestic violence intervention
Terror and crime: anatomy of an Austrian jihadist prison cohort
Therapeutic interventions for mental wellness in correctional facilities: a systematic review
Understanding violent extremism: identifying motivational classes in male jihadist detainees
Validation of the Violent Ideations Scale (VIS) in Spain
Who's keeping an eye on the kids? Changes in monitoring during emerging adulthood