A scoping review of family focussed interventions to prevent prison violence
Addressing military sexual violence by proposing a social media influencer model
Adverse childhood events and substance misuse in men who perpetrated intimate partner violence
Battered immigrant women and the police: a Canadian perspective
Behavior sequencing violent episodes in forensic youth populations
Callous-unemotional traits are associated with child-to-parent aggression
Early treatment change in perpetrators of sexual versus non-sexual violence
Exploring models of care and the perceived impact in an offender rehabilitation program
Fear of crime among female North Korean defectors in South Korea
Formerly detained adolescents' narratives: on the interplay between quality of life and desistance
From their angle: a look at the emotional world of defense attorneys who represent sex offenders
Gender equality and female offending: evidence from international data sources
Immigrants, crime, and the American dream: testing a segmented assimilation theory of crime
Intimate partner stalking/pursuit: a pathophysiology of attachment style
Is criminal expertise a feature of unsolved sexual assault involving theft?
Juvenile psychopathy and community treatment response in youth adjudicated for sexual offenses
Pornography use and sexual offending: an examination of perceptions of role and risk
Psychopathy and sexual aggression: management implications
Reentry in practice: sexual offending, self-narratives, and the implications of stigma in Norway
Religion and misconduct among prison inmates in South Korea
Risk assessment and post-release recidivism in a sample of juvenile homicide offenders
Self perceptions and cognitions of child sexual exploitation material offenders
Self-control, risky lifestyles, and victimization among Chinese adolescents
Sufi non-doing offender rehabilitation: positive and peacemaking criminology in practice
The course of psychiatric symptoms during remand imprisonment
The depravity standard for violent crimes
The impact of aggregate level alcohol consumption on homicide rates: a time series analysis
The marketing of female escorts: a gendered perspective of online companionship advertisements
The societal response to psychopathy in the community
The unusual case of sexual homicide against males: comparisons and classification
Toxic relationships: the experiences and effects of psychopathy in romantic relationships
Transportation among returning citizens: "You just want to stay down and get high"
Working with a psychopath: is there light at the end of the tunnel?