"Drop the body": body disposal patterns in sexual homicide
A systematic review of quality of life assessments of offenders
An evaluation of Redeploy Illinois on juvenile reoffending
Attempted and completed parricides in South Africa, 1990-2019
Can yoga overcome criminality? The impact of yoga on recidivism in Israeli prisons
Clothes don't maketh the man: nor a criminal profiler an expert witness
Convicting the innocent or freeing the guilty? Public attitudes toward criminal justice errors
Corruption and trust in police: investigating the moderating effect of procedural justice
Delinquency among Turkish adolescents: testing Akers' social structure and social learning theory
Demographic differences in youth perceptions of staff: a national evaluation of adjudicated youth
Diagnostic moderators of the risk-recidivism relationship for offenders with mental illness
Discipline as prevention: psychoeducational strategies in internet sexual offending group programs
Effectiveness of a domestic abuse program for Australian Indigenous offenders
Effects of awareness programs on juvenile delinquency: a three-level meta-analysis
Examining college student perceptions of criminal justice outcomes among persons with mental illness
Fear of crime out West: determinants of fear of property and violent crime in five states [USA]
Gender-based psychosocial differences in a sample of young offenders
Gendered justice in China: victim-offender mediation as the "different voice" of female judges
Modeling repeat DUI offender probation outcomes using the Wisconsin Risk Need Assessment
Patterns of necrophilic behaviors in sexual homicide: a criminological perspective
Perceptions of violent national-political protest among Arabs living in Israel: a pilot study
Police discretion and restorative justice in China: stories from the street-level police
Preliminary cross-sectional validation of the CROPS 14-Item for juvenile offenders
Prevalence and correlates of bullying behavior among Nigerian middle school students
Prison-based interventions for early adults with mental health needs: a systematic review
Psychiatric and forensic characteristics of sex offenders with child and with adult victims
Self-control, external environment, and delinquency: a test of self-control theory in rural China
Self-forgiveness among incarcerated individuals in Ghana: relations with shame- and guilt-proneness
Spiritual Jewish criminology: the basic premises and the Pyramid
The formulation of voluntary intoxication in continental law
The impact of parental incarceration on psychopathy, crime, and prison violence in women
The impacts of international rape laws upon official rape rates
The life-course theory of serial killing: a motivation model