An introduction to the industrial town's safety management (ITSM) system
Characteristics of forklift accidents in Korean industrial sites
Effects of visual search task on attentional bias and stress response under pressure
Football sports safety and the health risk assessment system
Incidence of type II workplace violence in Catalan nursing homes
Injury analysis of teachers' occupational accidents
Occupational exposure and post-traumatic stress disorder: a rapid review
Occupational injuries in underground coal mining in Serbia: a case study
Rasch analysis of the firefighters' critical incident inventory questionnaire
Relationships between balance and physical fitness variables in firefighter recruits
Robotic mounted rail arm system for implementing effective workplace safety for migrant workers
The dark side of occupation within the context of modern-day beauty pageants
The educational needs of Canadian homeless shelter workers related to traumatic brain injury
The impact of emergency responder musculoskeletal injuries in the State of Ohio
The loss of an eye due to occupational injury: two case studies of ocular prosthetic rehabilitation
The prevalence, seriousness, and causes of teenage work accidents: a gender difference?
The promotion of injury and illness prevention and reporting in the fire service