Alligators in the Brazilian Swamplands
Aviation sports crashes in the Austrian Mountains: a 10-year retrospective study
Cerebrovascular accidents related to snakebites in the Amazon-two case reports
Common injuries associated with falls from tree stands in Iowa
Datura stramonium poisoning: misunderstanding and misidentification in toxic plant exposures
Delayed splenic rupture: a rare complication of snakebites
Envenomation by Trachinus draco and pain management
Evidence-based versus myth-based treatment of suspension syndrome
Fiddlehead fern poisoning: a case report
First aid for a drowning child
Flush drowning as a cause of whitewater deaths
Hospital readmission after climbing-related injury in the United States
In reply to Managing bias in research
Induced hypothermia to 4.2°C with neurologically intact survival: a forgotten case series
Medical care during mountain rescue in King County, Washington, from 2004 to 2017
Needlefish injury in a surfer: a risk to those practicing water sports
Nonfreezing cold injuries among long-distance polar rowers
Pelvic ring fracture during a professional surfing event at the Banzai Pipeline
Penetrating injuries following spotted deer Axis axis ceylonensis attack
Polytrauma from a North American black bear attack
Rupture of the short head of the biceps brachii muscle belly caused by a rock-climbing accident
Sudden death following hump-nosed pit viper (Hypnale hypnale) bite
Total energy intake and self-selected macronutrient distribution during wildland fire suppression
Trends in snakebites related to Texas tropical storms and hurricanes, 2000-2017
Venous pooling in suspension syndrome assessed with ultrasound
Visitor incidents in Western Australian protected areas, 2011-2017