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Violence against women

Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 108

"DV fatigue": work stress and officers' attitudes and performance at domestic and family violence incidents

"Gender-based water violence": cross-cultural evidence for severe harm associated with water insecurity for women and girls

"I had to allow myself to heal": how survivors of sex trafficking have experienced healing from trauma bonding

"I need help with the abortion, so I won't have to ever see or hear from him again": relationship barriers faced by abortion fund applicants in the Rocky Mountain West

"I put her in the baby stroller and left": the escape route from violence to a domestic violence shelter for mothers and children

"I worry about my kids' safety when they visit": mothers' perceptions of father/child post-separation contact in the context of IPV

"I'll try and make myself as small as possible": women and gender-diverse people's safety work on public transport

"It was one of the most revealing experiences of my life:" women's views on group counseling for survivors of intimate partner violence

"it's a valuable service but a hard place to be:" women's views about violence against women shelters

"Never give up. The creator has good things in store for you": risk factors, protective factors, and evidence of resilience for Canadian Indigenous women abused by intimate partners

"Pleasure to pain?" the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on sexual violence in marriages: experiences of rural Ghanaian women

"She was feeling overwhelmed at home caring for her children": expectations of "intensive motherhood" as a risk factor for young women's suicide

"Stop giving us what you think we need. Come to us and ask us what we need": justice perceptions among survivors of domestic abuse

"Teen fled danger into the arms of death": the political agenda setting effect of Australian news media framing of violence against women

"We get our healing through traditional ways": Canadian Indigenous women's use of violence against women shelters, mainstream counseling, and traditional healing

A feasibility and acceptability assessment of photo-experiencing and reflective listening (PEARL): an intervention to promote recovery engagement after gender-based harm

A qualitative exploration of intimate partner violence among HIV/TB coinfected persons with problematic alcohol use participating in an incentive-based alcohol/medication adherence intervention in Uganda during COVID-19

A realist evaluation of a "whole health" response to domestic violence and abuse in the UK

An exploratory analysis of domestic and intimate partner violence victimization among persons experiencing eviction

Applying the WHO INSPIRE framework to ending violence against pregnant women and unborn children: a case study in Vietnam

APPS-S: a tool for measuring the attitudes toward prostitution and women in prostitution in the Spanish population

Attitudes toward wife beating in Pakistan: over-time comparative trends by gender

Beyond the surface: intimate partner violence typology and recent depression

Canadian gender-based violence prevention programs: gaps and opportunities

Challenges to the provision of services for sexual and intimate partner violence in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: results of a nationwide web-based survey

Characteristics and dynamics of cyberstalking victimization among juveniles and young adults

Clinical and advocacy implications of the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health Organization Ruling on trafficked persons

Co-designing an outreach intervention for women experiencing street-involvement and gender-based violence: community-academic partnerships in action

Dating violence experiences among sex-trafficking youths in juvenile detention

Development and usability of a mobile support application for sexual violence victims connecting with formal support organizations

Developmental trajectories leading to hostility toward women: a structural equation modeling study

Economic abuse of women in intimate relationships in Ghana: consequences and coping strategies

Emergency nurses' experience providing care and perceptions about using telemedicine for sexual assault patients

Emotional clarity and psychopathology in women who have experienced physical intimate partner violence

Endorsing precarious manhood beliefs is associated with sexual harassment myths acceptance in Italian men and women

Evaluating the nature and prevalence of economic empowerment services provided to intimate partner abuse survivors

Evaluation of the Define It! Program for raising critically conscious bystander behaviors

Exploring the theological context to domestic and family violence

Extending the shadow of sexual assault hypothesis: fear of sexual violence and hate crimes among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons

Family disaster: the origins of gender violence legislation in Turkey

Fear, "discomfort," anger, and shame in the night-time economy: women's responses to unwanted sexual intrusions

Female circumcision and sexual negotiation ability of Ethiopian women

Gender division of housework and intimate partner violence among mothers of toddlers during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from the 2019 Rio Grande (Brazil) birth cohort

Gender in post-pandemic research: the potentials of grounded theory to explicitly guide gender-sensitive inquiry on discrimination and violence

Gender, sexism, and police attitudes toward policing intimate partner violence in China

Gendered responses to fear of victimization? A comparative study of students' precautionary and avoidance strategies in suburban and urban contexts

Girls and gangs: a decade on from the Firmin report and what has changed?

Help or harm? Criminalizing intimate partner violence and feminist abolitionist frames

Help-seeking after intimate partner or sexual violence: exploring the experiences of international student women in Australia

Help-seeking and service utilization among survivors of intimate partner violence in Michigan during the COVID-19 pandemic

Hostile masculinity, male peer support for violence, and problematic anger: linking childhood abuse to men's partner violence perpetration

How do college students perceive their partner responds to them when they refuse sexual activity?

How do employees in the disability and family and domestic violence sectors respond to disclosures of violence from women with disability?

How advocates use CARE to accommodate the needs of domestic violence survivors seeking services with brain injuries and mental health challenges: a process evaluation

Impacts of COVID-19 on intimate partner violence service provision

Incapacitated and/or forcible rape experience predicting college women's rape victim empathy

Institutional courage in the college context: a mixed-methods analysis of campus victim advocate perceptions and experiences

Intersectionality and gender-based violence: an empirical multi-level examination of prevalence and frequency in universities and research organizations

Intimate partner sexual violence: an exploratory study on sexual victimization profiles among survivors of intimate partner violence in France

Intimate partner violence in El Salvador: a relationship between femicide attempts and barriers to help-seeking

Legal decision-making in an adult rape case involving DNA evidence

Lifetime polyvictimization and mental health outcomes in women with vs without incarceration histories: a population-based latent class analysis

Longitudinal exploration of prenatal and postnatal intimate partner violence, postpartum depression, and child-mother attachment: a mediation model

Men's economic abuse toward women in Sweden: findings from a national survey

Mothering in the aftermath of reproductive coercion and abuse

Natural health community program and well-being: an uncontrolled study of women survivors of domestic violence

Overlooked realities: reimagining "home" and "house" among women domestic workers in India

Painting the way forward: an ecological cultural visual analysis of anti-VAW public art in rural Ecuador

Pathways to resistance: theorizing trauma and women's use of force in intimate relationships

Perils and possibilities: sexual violence preventionists' perspectives on gathering community input on prevention practice

Predictors of rape myth acceptance among South Asian students in Canada

Rape victims' perceptions of quality of encounters with the Swedish police

Readiness of exercise physiologists, physiotherapists and other allied health professionals to respond to gender-based violence: a mixed-methods study

Relatively unworthy victims? Middle-aged women as rape survivors

Resilience across the life course for women experiencing intimate partner violence

Safeguarding the "internet of things" for victim-survivors of domestic and family violence: anticipating exploitative use and encouraging safety-by-design

SDGs managers' assessment bias and their implications for preventing violence against women in companies

Self-regulatory sex motives scale in online dating: exploratory factor analysis and internal consistency

Serving IPV survivors in culturally diverse communities: perspectives from current service providers

Sexism and feminist conspiracy beliefs: hostile sexism moderates the link between feminist conspiracy beliefs and rape myth acceptance

Sowing the seeds of recovery: a qualitative study of women in recovery from addiction and victimization

Stereotypical victims: visibility of #MeToo disclosures on Twitter

Student knowledge of university confidential resources and Title IX training effectiveness

Support or betrayal? Swedish survivors' experiences of support from social workers during post-separation violence

The continuum of violence and interstices in the journeys and bodies of women on the move from West Africa

The failure to recognize continuing harm: post-separation domestic abuse in child contact cases

The reconsecration of the self: a qualitative analysis of sex trafficking survivors' experience of the body

The role of alcohol in initial help-seeking telephone calls about domestic violence to the police

The role of intersectionality and context in measuring gender-based violence in universities and research-performing organizations in europe for the development of inclusive structural interventions

The sounds of silence: making sense of the absence of domestic violence victims help seeking during the COVID-19 pandemic

The transformative role of information and communication technologies in shaping gender norms and empowering women: evidence from Pakistan and Nepal

Trans and gender-diverse Latinx individuals in the southern United States: experiences with violence and service utilization

Trauma-informed care training in U.S. and Canadian ob/gyn residencies

Unheard voices of LGB people in Türkiye on LGB-specific experiences of intimate partner violence: a qualitative analysis

Unpacking police endorsement of myths surrounding intimate partner violence against women: formation and implications

Using epistemic injustice to examine scholarship about sexual violence among students with minoritized identities

Validation of scales for researching stakeholders' attitudes toward domestic violence in China

Violence increases psychological distress among women trafficking survivors in Ghana

What women want: mental health in the context of violence against women in a Sri Lanka-qualitative study of priorities and capacities for care

Where intersectionality and multiculturalism meet: Australian Muslim women's experiences of domestic and family violence

Who is centered in the humanitarian response to gender-based violence? A critical discourse analysis of the survivor-centered approach

Whom would you help? The impact of perpetrator and victim gender on bystander behavior during a sexual assault

Witches, victims, and villains: #MeToo and the political polarization of sexual violence

Women's experiences of sexual harassment in online gaming

Women's lives and voices in conflict situations matter: a study of farmer-herder conflict in Agogo Traditional Area, Ghana

Women's use of intimate partner aggression: associations with sexist experiences

Working the edge: the emotional experiences of commissioning and funding arrangements for service leaders in the sexual violence voluntary sector

Young women's experiences of violence and homelessness