A scoping review of human trafficking screening and response
A scoping review of resilience in survivors of human trafficking
A systematic review of child to parent violence interventions
A systematic review of culturally competent family violence responses to women in primary care
Advances in research on abused women in China: bibliometric analysis by citespace
Adversity interpreted: a scoping review of adversity appraisal measurement
Beyond obstacles: toward justice for victims of sexual violence in Hungary. a literature review
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents in Europe: A Systematic Review
Domestic homicide: a synthesis of systematic review evidence
Domestic violence against women in North African and Middle Eastern countries: a scoping review
Domestic violence during the CoViD-19 pandemic: a systematic review
Early childhood neglect among 3- to 6-year-old children in China: a meta-analysis
Effects of childhood maltreatment on self-compassion: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Emotion recognition in adults with a history of childhood maltreatment: a systematic review
Epidemiology of homicide in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Evaluating measures of intimate partner violence using consensus-based standards of validity
Factors related to positive memory count among trauma-exposed individuals: a scoping review
Frontline workers' response to harmful sexual behavior: building blocks for promising practice
Gender differences in the maltreatment-youth offending relationship: a scoping review
Group therapy for survivors of adult sexual assault: a scoping review
Healing after gender-based violence: a qualitative metasynthesis using meta-ethnography
Help-seeking and barriers to care in intimate partner sexual violence: a systematic review
Intimate partner violence in the Middle East region: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Journalists and depressive symptoms: a systematic literature review
Kinship care and child protection in high-income countries: a scoping review
Losses associated with childhood sexual abuse in women survivors: a scoping review
Maladaptive beliefs of young adults in interpersonal relationships: a systematic literature review
Mandatory reporting and adolescent sexual assault
Maternal history of childhood adversities and later negative parenting: a systematic review
Measuring trauma- (and violence-) informed care: a scoping review
On the association between trauma-related shame and symptoms of psychopathology: a meta-analysis
Online disclosure of sexual victimization: a systematic review
Population-based estimates of associations between child maltreatment types: a meta-analysis
Post-traumatic orientation to bodily signals: a systematic literature review
Prevalence of physical violence against Brazilian women: systematic review and meta-analysis
PTSD in the year following sexual assault: a meta-analysis of prospective studies
Restorative justice for survivors of sexual violence experienced in adulthood: a scoping review
Rural women in Colombia, facing the postconflict: a qualitative synthesis
Sexual assault as a contributor to academic outcomes in university: a systematic review
Sexual violence against persons with disabilities: a meta-analysis
Sibling sexual abuse: a review of empirical studies in the field
Social abuse in intimate partner relationships: a hybrid concept analysis
The aftermath of trauma and abuse and the impact on family: a narrative literature review
The effectiveness of college dating violence prevention programs: a meta-analysis
The impacts of working with victims of sexual violence: a rapid evidence assessment
The imperative need for criminological research on the European Roma: a narrative review
The key characteristics and role of peer support in the aftermath of victimization: a scoping review
The nature, patterns and consequences of technology-facilitated domestic abuse: a scoping review
The sexual fantasies of childhood sexual abuse survivors: a rapid review
Theory of mind in offending: a systematic review
Violence by burning against women and girls: an integrative review
What works to address violence against children (VAC) in and around schools