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Traffic injury prevention

Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 96

"You just have to be careful how you do it": a qualitative study of the Healthwise decision aid for older drivers

A comprehensive evaluation of the frog effect on drivers in mountain highway tunnels - the effect of low-volume intermittent information

Adjusting vehicle secondary safety ratings to account for crash-avoidance technology fitment using real-world crash and injury data

Age, sex, sensation-seeking, and road-crossing: how does risk context impact children's street-crossing?

Age-related differences in takeover performance: a comparative analysis of older and younger drivers in prolonged partially automated driving

An ALNS-based approach for the traffic-police-routine-patrol-vehicle assignment problem in resource allocation analysis of traffic crashes

An exploratory study of parent acceptance of sanctions for driving offenses committed by their children

Analysis of dynamic determinants of vehicles involved in crash affecting severity based on in-depth crash data

Are front crash prevention systems less effective at preventing rear-end crashes where trucks and motorcycles are struck?

Assessing injury risks of reclined occupants in a frontal crash preceded by braking with varied seatbelt designs using the SAFER Human Body Model

Assessing the effect of automated speed enforcement and comprehensive measures on road safety in Rwanda

Assessing the effects of geometry and non-geometry related factors in work-zone crashes

Assessing the prevailing driver seatbelt compliance at Madina Zongo junction in Accra, Ghana: an observational study

Behind the wheel: probing into personality, skills, and driving behavior's role in bus rapid transit crashes

Bus rapid transit as arterial corridor traffic calming: the relationship between transit infrastructure and motor vehicle operating speeds

Characteristics of injuries related to traffic crashes in Israel before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

Child face detection on front passenger seat through deep learning

Children's ability to estimate approaching vehicle time-to-arrival following training in a virtual pedestrian environment

Colorado drugged driving prevalence and impaired driving conviction rates: effects of impaired driving definitions and a 5-nanogram limit for delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol

Comparative analysis of injury identification using KABCO and ISS in linked North Carolina trauma registry and crash data

Comparing alcohol involvement among injured pedalcycle and motorcycle riders across three national public-use datasets

Comparison of frontal crash compatibility metrics between battery-electric and internal-combustion-engine passenger vehicles

Confronting mobile phone signal coverage and helicopter emergency medical service travel time: a geospatial analysis in the northwest macro-region of Paraná State, Brazil

Conventional or parking-protected bike lanes? A Full-Bayesian before-and-after assessment

Delays in blood collection and drug toxicology results among crash-involved drivers arrested for impaired driving

Demographic characteristics and trends of cell phone use while driving citations in selected states in the United States, 2010-2020

Do comparative judgements affect the perceived relevance of mobile phone road safety campaigns?

Driver behavior and mental workload for takeover safety in automated driving: ACT-R prediction modeling approach

Driver yield and safe child pedestrian crossing behavior promotion by a school traffic warden program at primary school crossings: a cluster-randomized trial

Drivers' liability-based comparative severity analysis of motorized two-wheeler crashes

Driving after substance use in Rhode Island adolescents: a cross-sectional analysis of surveillance data

Driving performance of long-term users of sedating antidepressants and benzodiazepines

Effects of kratom on driving: results from a cross-sectional survey, ecological momentary assessment, and pilot simulated driving study

Emergency services response to eCall System alerts: observations from 2016-2022 in the National Fire and Rescue System

Energy field-based lane changing behavior interaction model and risk evaluation in the weaving section of expressway

Evaluating helmet-wearing of single-vehicle overspeeding motorcycle crashes: Insights from temporal instability in parsimonious pooled framework

Evaluation of eye-catching effect in highway tunnel entrance area based on saccade behavior

Evaluation of harmful drinking among professional drivers by direct ethanol biomarkers and its relation with psychological distress

Evaluation of traffic signs information volume at highway tunnel entrance zone based on the visual sample entropy of novice and experienced drivers

Examining the impact of legalization on the prevalence of driving after using cannabis: a comparison of rural and non-rural parts of Canada

Existence of connected and autonomous vehicles in mixed traffic: impacts on safety and environment

Factors affecting injury severity in motorcycle crashes: different age groups analysis using Catboost and SHAP techniques

Factors affecting severity and prognosis of traumatic brain injury among Bangladeshi patients: an institution based cross-sectional study

Frontal NCAP crash tests with rear-seat occupant

Generation of nighttime pedestrian fatal precrash scenarios at junctions in Tamil Nadu, India, using cluster correspondence analysis

Head injuries related to bicycle collisions and helmet use - an observational study

History of airbag safety benefits and risks

History of NHTSA's upgrade of FMVSS 208 addressing airbag induced fatalities and serious injuries

Impact of sidewall information on drivers' visual load among different lanes: traditional guiding facilities and decorated pattern

Implementation of the new acts on driving under the influence of alcohol and clinical outcomes for patients severely injured in road traffic crashes

In-built network-wide road safety assessment methodologies for rural roads

Injury patterns in motor vehicle collision-youth pedestrian deaths

Investigating and modeling motorcycle crash rates at urban unsignalized intersections in India

Investigating mental workload caused by NDRTs in highly automated driving with deep learning

Investigating safety and cost-effectiveness of cable median barriers in Louisiana

Investigating the influence of eye-catching effect on mental workload in highway tunnel entrances: a comprehensive analysis of eye blink behavior

Linking crash and breathalyzer data in Connecticut

Modeling drivers' dilemma at unsignalized T-intersections under mixed traffic conditions: a case study from India

Optimization of colored pavement considering driving behavior and psychological characteristics under dynamic low-visibility conditions related to fog-a driving simulator study

Pedestrian injuries in the United States: shifting injury patterns with the introduction of pedestrian protection into the passenger vehicle fleet

Prediction of driving stress on high-altitude expressway using driving environment features: a naturalistic driving study in Tibet

Prediction of rear-seat belt use: application of extended theory of planned behavior

Prevalence and factors associated with driving under the influence of alcohol in Brazil

Promoting pedestrian safety in Bangladesh: identifying factors for drivers' yielding behavior at designated crossings using behavior change theories

Quantifying rider posture variability in powered two- and three-wheelers for safety assessment

Real-world crash configurations and traffic violations among newly licensed young drivers with different route familiarity levels

Recognition of aggressive driving behavior under abnormal weather based on Convolutional Neural Network and transfer learning

Recommendations for effective collaboration and capacity building in epidemiological studies on the effect of alcohol and drug use on traffic safety in low- and middle-income countries

Research on driver's anger recognition method based on multimodal data fusion

Research on traffic accident prediction of expressway tunnel based on B-NB model

Rib and sternum fracture risks for restrained occupants in frontal car crashes

Risk factors associated with driving after marijuana use among West Virginia college students during the COVID-19 pandemic

Risk field modeling of urban tunnel based on APF

Safety climate and seat belt use in the fire service

Sex differences and driving impairment related to psychoactive substances

Speeding behavior and associated factors in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Study of the necessity of a speed monitoring display at the returning chicane on a freeway bypass

Summary of influences that led to introduction of frontal airbags on US passenger vehicles

The association between single and dual use of cannabis and alcohol and driving under the influence and riding with an impaired driver in a large sample of Canadian adolescents

The attentional guidance and facilitating effects of group behavioral cues on individual college pedestrians' jaywalking decisions

The characteristics of e-scooter accidents reported by police in Türkiye

The correlation between drivers' road familiarity and glance behavior using real vehicle experimental data and mathematical models

The effect of guardrail color on driver behavior based on driving style along mountain curves

The effectiveness of Q6 and PIPER 6-year-old models on quantification of the change of child sitting posture with AEB and its impact on child's injures in frontal crash

The effects of postural support padding modifications to child restraints for children with disability on crash protection

The effects of vehicle color and travel direction on perceived speed error varies by judgment type among older pedestrians

The impact of indirect benefits (reduced travel time, fuel use and emissions) in cost benefit analysis of road safety countermeasures

The influence of seated postures and anthropometry on lap belt fit in vehicle occupants: a 3D computed tomography study

Toxicology findings from drivers suspected of drug-impaired driving in Ontario (2008-2019)

Traffic safety comprehensive evaluation of urban tunnel visual guiding system based on extension matter-element model: a case study in tunnel curves

Two cases of driver death caused by airbag rupture

Understanding nonuse of mandatory e-scooter helmets

Unraveling the impact of fog on driver behavior in highway tunnel entrances: a field experiment

Validated numerical unrestrained occupant-seat crash scenarios for high-speed trains integrating experimental, computational, and inverse methods

Vehicle front-end geometry and in-depth pedestrian injury outcomes

Young novice drivers' road crash injuries and contributing factors: a crash data investigation