Assessing the effects of geometry and non-geometry related factors in work-zone crashes
Child face detection on front passenger seat through deep learning
Conventional or parking-protected bike lanes? A Full-Bayesian before-and-after assessment
Do comparative judgements affect the perceived relevance of mobile phone road safety campaigns?
Drivers' liability-based comparative severity analysis of motorized two-wheeler crashes
Driving performance of long-term users of sedating antidepressants and benzodiazepines
Evaluation of eye-catching effect in highway tunnel entrance area based on saccade behavior
Existence of connected and autonomous vehicles in mixed traffic: impacts on safety and environment
Frontal NCAP crash tests with rear-seat occupant
Head injuries related to bicycle collisions and helmet use - an observational study
History of airbag safety benefits and risks
History of NHTSA's upgrade of FMVSS 208 addressing airbag induced fatalities and serious injuries
In-built network-wide road safety assessment methodologies for rural roads
Injury patterns in motor vehicle collision-youth pedestrian deaths
Investigating and modeling motorcycle crash rates at urban unsignalized intersections in India
Investigating mental workload caused by NDRTs in highly automated driving with deep learning
Investigating safety and cost-effectiveness of cable median barriers in Louisiana
Linking crash and breathalyzer data in Connecticut
Prediction of rear-seat belt use: application of extended theory of planned behavior
Prevalence and factors associated with driving under the influence of alcohol in Brazil
Quantifying rider posture variability in powered two- and three-wheelers for safety assessment
Research on driver's anger recognition method based on multimodal data fusion
Research on traffic accident prediction of expressway tunnel based on B-NB model
Rib and sternum fracture risks for restrained occupants in frontal car crashes
Risk field modeling of urban tunnel based on APF
Safety climate and seat belt use in the fire service
Sex differences and driving impairment related to psychoactive substances
Speeding behavior and associated factors in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Study of the necessity of a speed monitoring display at the returning chicane on a freeway bypass
Summary of influences that led to introduction of frontal airbags on US passenger vehicles
The characteristics of e-scooter accidents reported by police in Türkiye
The effect of guardrail color on driver behavior based on driving style along mountain curves
Toxicology findings from drivers suspected of drug-impaired driving in Ontario (2008-2019)
Two cases of driver death caused by airbag rupture
Understanding nonuse of mandatory e-scooter helmets
Unraveling the impact of fog on driver behavior in highway tunnel entrances: a field experiment
Vehicle front-end geometry and in-depth pedestrian injury outcomes
Young novice drivers' road crash injuries and contributing factors: a crash data investigation