A new model to estimate pedestrian deaths from speed-related interventions
A price-performance analysis of the protective capabilities of wholesale bicycle helmets
A safety score for the assessment of driving style
A skewed logistic model of two-unit bicycle-vehicle hit-and-run crashes
A survey of distracted driving and electronic device use among app-based and taxi drivers
Alcohol and drug use among road users involved in fatal crashes in Norway
An omni-directional model of injury risk in planar crashes with application for autonomous vehicles
An overview of tram tracks related cycling injuries in Ghent, Belgium
Analysis of drink-driving behavior: considering the subjective and objective factors of drivers
Analysis of factors influencing aggressive driver behavior and crash involvement
Associations of mental health with driving while impaired and risky driving in emerging adults
Belt-induced abdominal injuries in recent frontal impact CIREN cases
Brain injury severity due to direct head contact from near-side motor vehicle collisions
Cannabis use and reported effects on driving among adults in Iowa
Characteristics of pedestrian injuries caused due to impacts with powered 2-wheelers in India
Comparison of injuries among motorcycle, moped and bicycle traffic accident victims
Comparison of injuries in multiple and single event crashes
Comparison of the mental representation of traffic signs in Ecuador
Composite performance indicators for helmet and seat-belt enforcement as imprecise data
Coronavirus lockdown: excessive alcohol consumption and illicit substance use in DUI subjects
Correlation between visibility and traffic safety visual distance in foggy areas during the daytime
Crash rates of convertible cars
Deflection-based parametric survival analysis side impact chest injury risk curves AIS 2015
Delta-v slope as an indicator of injury
Developing an aluminum honeycomb barrier to represent a striking SUV in a side impact crash test
Development of the pedestrian anger expression inventory
Drive Aware training: a computerized training program for older drivers' detection of road hazards
Driver monitoring systems (DMS): the future of impaired driving management?
Driver posture monitoring in highly automated vehicles using pressure measurement
Driving after marijuana use among U.S. adolescents: prevalence profiles and related behaviors
Driving errors that predict simulated rear-end collisions in drivers with multiple sclerosis
Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol: predicting the intentions of young drivers
Drug use and pattern of injuries sustained by drivers involved in road traffic crashes
Dynamic frontal crash performance of old and used child restraint systems
Dynamic metrics to differentiate booster performance
Effect of body size and enhanced helmet systems on risk for motorsport drivers
Effect of Class I-III obesity on driver seat belt fit
Effectiveness of front crash prevention systems in reducing large truck real-world crash rates
Evaluation of LATCH vs. non-LATCH installations for boosters in frontal impacts
Evaluation of the 30km/h speed limit trial in the City of Yarra, Melbourne, Australia
Evaluations of pretensioner activation in rear impacts
Exploration of the longitudinal trend of DUI crashes in Pennsylvania, USA (2008 to 2019)
Female kinematics and muscle responses in lane change and lane change with braking maneuvers
Finding and understanding pedal misapplication crashes using a deep learning natural language model
Identifying modifiable factors related to novice adolescent driver fault in motor vehicle collisions
Impact of adaptive cruise control (ACC) system on fatality and injury reduction in China
Importance of neural foraminal narrowing in lumbar spine fractures of low AIS severity
Influence of retractor and anchor pretensioning on dummy responses in 40 km/h rear sled tests
Injuries related to electric scooter and bicycle use in a Washington, DC, emergency department
Injury crashes and the relationship with disease causing excessive daytime sleepiness
Investigation of the speeding behavior of motorcyclists through an innovative smartphone application
Mobile phone use among e-cyclists at red traffic lights: an observation study in a city of China
Nigerian law enforcement agents' knowledge and enforcement of drink-drive law
Normalized vertebral-level specific range of motion corridors for female spines in rear impact
On-the-road driving performance of patients with central disorders of hypersomnolence
Organizational and personal factors in occupational traffic injuries at work in Spain
Perceived effects of cannabis and changes in driving performance under the influence of cannabis
Prediction of lower extremity injuries in car-pedestrian crashes - real-world accident study
Quantitative characterization of AEB pulses across the modern fleet
Rear-seat occupant demographics in rear impacts: analysis of NASS-CDS
Restraint systems considering occupant diversity and pre-crash posture
Risk to workers or vehicle damage: what makes drivers slow down in work zones?
Roadside surveys of drinking and driving in Cameroon
Safety evaluation of design alternatives to separate freeway-opposing traffic
Salesperson knowledge of teen-specific vehicle safety features
Seasonal variation in North American level crossing crash rates is due to weather, not day length
Severity analysis of road transport accidents of hazardous materials with machine learning
Simulated and self-reported driving among young adults with and without prenatal cocaine exposure
So much nuance: a qualitative analysis of parental perspectives on child passenger safety
Speeding in the city of Xalapa, Mexico: prevalence and associated factors
State alcohol ignition interlock laws and fatal crashes
The association between vehicle rim type and risk of occupant injury
The effect of hazard awareness training on teen drivers of varying socioeconomic status
The effect of prior night sleep on simulated driving performance in medical residents
The effect of visually significant dermatochalasis and blepharoptosis on driving safety
The effectiveness of mass media campaigns in increasing the use of seat belts: a systematic review
The safety potential of enhanced lateral vehicle positioning
Time to licensure for driving among U.S. teens: survival analysis of interval-censored survey data
Trends in pediatric passenger restraint use by rurality and age in Iowa, 2006-2019
U.S. vehicle occupancy trends relevant to future automated vehicles and mobility services
User perceptions of automated truck-mounted attenuators: implications on work zone safety
Using machine learning techniques to characterize sleep-deprived driving behavior
Which signal modalities do cyclists prefer based on experiences in road traffic?